Thursday, November 29, 2007

follow up with the winners

If you haven't given me yr snail mail address or received an email from me asking you for it, Please email it to me at:

This applies to the first 24 comments on the November 19th post and the first 14 comments on the November 27th post

Thanks to all of you for the terrific response!


  1. Oh, I am so excited:) I am emailing you with my snail mail right away:)

  2. Well, that'll teach me, won't it? Next time I will MAKE the time to comment when I love something, instead of just reading and wishing!

    Congrats to all the lucky recipients!

    And when/where can we buy this stuff? Is it in the shops yet?

  3. man, oh man, a day late and a dollar short...where can I get my hands on those gorgeous trims?

  4. You are SO very generous. It's very exciting! Thankyou. :-)

  5. Oh, to only have seen this sooner! Wish I could have gotten in on that!!

    Anyway, lots of love from Alaska!!

  6. Oh yes please share with us when and where this lovely trim will be available to purchase!

  7. Darn, I had gotten out of the habit of checking every day cause I didn't see anything changing....
