Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Two'fer Tuesdays

The oh - so- cute Mini-Quilt and Wrist Rattle tutorials are from Joanna of Stardust shoes. Check out her great idea for kids' birthday party games that's good old fashioned fun.

This wraps it up for our July Two'fer Tuesday Tutorials (8 total) featuring the first sight collection , so just for fun post a comment and we'll pick a winner to receive a First Sight Gift Set ($70 value)


Dianna said...

Cute, cute ideas as usual.

KristenL said...

I've loved all the ideas this month! I can't wait to try a couple out. The fabric is terrific and so are the tutorials. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Awesome fabric and great, great ideas for it! Thank you so much! Babies will love this.

stephensons4 at embarqmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I especially love the wrist rattle! I'm wondering if the ribbons are part of the collection or purchased separately.........

Joy said...

Thanks for all the wonderful ideas!!!

Anonymous said...

I just discovered your site and love all of the free tutorials! I can't wait to play!

Daphne said...

I totally want to win! Sewing for babies is very fun.

Janice said...

I have enjoyed seeing the tutorials and especially love the fabric.

Becca said...

What a wonderful baby gift idea! :)


Anonymous said...

I've loved the tutorials! I have a new baby and they have been perfect - now if I could only find more time at my machine and sew them up!

Mary said...

Thanks for the tutorials! I have a new baby who would love them.

robin shetler said...

Love the new fabric and all of the ideas! Can't wait to use some of them for my 3-month old!

kira said...

Thank you so much for the fun tutorials! I loved the fabric ... now I have some great ideas to use it for! :)

greetingarts said...

Tuesdays have been so much more fun because of you and Joanna! Great ideas, fun tutorials, amazing fabric. Thanks so much, keep it up!

Marie Ann said...

I have looked forward to all of these great tuts each week. These tuts all really showcase this gorgeous fabric!

Thank you!

Chelsea said...

I'll have to grab some of that fabric and bookmark these tutes. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for providing these tutorials - I've saved all of them and am looking forward to trying them out. Thanks again!

Karen C said...

Cute baby, cute toy quilty. Thanks for the quick and useful tutorials, well done.

Anonymous said...

I just found out I will be a grandmother for the first time, and these cute items will be a definite must to make. Thank you for sharinig such adorable and practical baby ideas.

Heide said...

Oh, I love these projects and this fabric! So brilliant to have designed this collection specifically for limited color vision of babies. I have a new wee one on the way and am itching to ry out some of these projects for her!

Vickie E said...

Those are fabulous baby gift projects. I am so glad I visited your blog!

periwinkle said...

thank you for all the tutorials - the baby is so cute, especially the hair :-)
lisa x

Anonymous said...

My daughter is teething so this idea is perfect. Love the website and all terrific ideas and fabric.

Charity said...

Just had a sister who had a baby...I'm all over these...please continue them!!!

Mel said...

I love this collection, especially the kitty in the mini quilt!

Anonymous said...

I have downloaded all of these and can't wait to get started! Thanks for all of these great tutorials!

Anonymous said...

I was so excited when I saw your First Sight collection. The colour scheme in my flat is red, white and black and my sister, who lives in Sweden, is coming to England with her new baby to spend a month with me. I had to send her a link to this new range as I've got to make some co-ordinating toys for my new nephew! Problem is, I can't quite decide what to make from all the wonderful patterns!

Anonymous said...

I love the firstsight fabrics! I have my first grandson on the way, and will certainly use the tutorials. Thanks for the great instructions. I guess I'll be paying more attention to bold, contrasting colors and patterns now.

mel said...

Thank you for the tutorial, I'm gonna have to make them all for my upcoming baby!

nettie said...

love this fabric, and love these projects! thanks!

sew nancy said...

what fun
the fabrics are very daring and perfect for the littles

Thien-Kim aka Kim said...

Found you through TrueUp. Can't wait to check out all of your tutorials!

Robin said...

I'm in love with this fabric line! It really is fun and seems perfect for little ones. I'm also really enjoying all of the tutorials and the fun ideas on ways to use the collection.

Anonymous said...

Cute stuff! I like the idea and the projects.

Artsiegirl said...

I'm loving these first sight fabrics! I think my new niece will need some of these items for certain!

Anonymous said...

I have some friends having babies soon and these would be so perfect for them! What great fabrics!

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of the first sight collection! My sister recently had her first child (the first grandkid in the family) and I've been making him things whenever I get a chance. Your carseat strap tutorial came just at the time when she was wondering how she could ever keep them clean. I plan on making them for her as soon as I have a chance.

Unknown said...

Thanks for such great tutorials! I'll definitely be stitching up a few for our little boy who's expected in December!

Meghan said...

lovely fabric addition to the MM line! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! I'm going to try some of these tutorials very soon.

Anonymous said...

Great fabric and terrific tutorials. Thank you for sharing and I hope something similar pops up on your blog soon ;)

Unknown said...

Thank you for all the great tutorials and showcase of your fabrics! I have loved it all :)

Cory said...

I would love to win this gift set. These fabrics are so wonderful. Thank you for offering them. Take care and God bless, Cory

vy said...

This fabric is brilliant!


rowdystroudy said...

Oh how fun! Love the ideas!

Doris said...

Love these patterns! Thanks so much!

Stormyshay said...

This is such a wonderful idea. I cannot wait to make these!

Anonymous said...

cool fabric and ideas! very neat.

Anonymous said...

great ideas, can't wait to try some out!

Anonymous said...

Wow, how cute! Perfect for my newborn!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a set of this awesome fabric...

lunurse said...

I absolutely love those fabrics! Perfect for little ones! I would be more than happy to win some--thanks for the chance!

Andrea said...

So cute! Count me in the drawing.

Anonymous said...

Great fabrics...I can think of some great projects to use them in

epban said...

Love this collection!

SandyQuilts said...

Oh my love it.

Anonymous said...

I glad I saw your link at stacysews...I have no babies...but I am sure I can make my baby's friend pretty happy! The fabric is so playfull!

Nicole said...

This fabric is so fun and the tutorials are brilliant!! Thanks!

Kari V. said...

So many great projects! It is great that there are so many quick and easy projects.

Elizabeth said...

The collection is awesome, and the patterns fit perfectly with it. Easy to follow too!

angie said...

oh, pick me, it would save me having to make all these cute baby things!!!! thanks for all the great tutorials!

Meika said...

Love the fabrics! Can't wait to make some baby thing with it!

MJHill said...

I'm so in love with this collection and definitely want to make my good friend some baby goodies for the wee lass she's going to be welcoming in August!!!

Heck, I want to make *me* some goodies from this collection too!!

Little Ol' Liz said...

The combination of Michael Miller Fabrics and Joanna's talents have been fabulous. I hope you consider extending this partnership in the future. One is the perfect compliment to the other.

Anonymous said...

The fabric is great and I love the tutorials!

Anonymous said...

I love the colours!Thanks for the tutorials!

Vireya said...

Thanks for the month of ideas. Now if anyone I know has a child I know what I'll be making for them!

heather h said...

I'm a newcomer to your blog and love it! Also a newbie to delicious fabrics/awesome tutorials. Thanks for the inspiration!

Turtles In Northern Florida said...

I love this collection and have printed out the Tuesday patterns.Thanx!

Tara said...

I LOVE all the ideas. I have a 10 week old and she loves black, white and red. I showed her the fabric and she couldn't stop looking at it. I can't wait to make the rings and quilt.

Jessica said...

What great ideas! Love the colors too!

Jen said...

This fabric is amazing! Well, they all are, but I especially like this one. And who doesn't love tutorials? Thanks for some great ideas!

Li'l MG said...

Love this! I'm a "newbie" at sewing and fabrics, so I'm so glad I came across this blog!

BooBonnets™ said...

Super cute!

I absolutely love this line. Thanks to those that have submitted tutorials and tips.

Anonymous said...

This collection is so cute! My brother and sis-in-law are expecting a baby this fall and I think I'll just have to follow some of the tutorials to make a bunch of gifts for them.

Waldeck Dry Goods said...

Love these ideas! Can't wait to try some of them out.

Mélanie said...

I love them all
the fabric is terrific

Anonymous said...

i love these! and the fabric is perfect- i've got baby presents to make so it's just in time!

Anonymous said...

absolutely love the fabric and the tutorials! just TDF!!!

Anonymous said...

CUTE! I have a 6 month old and have been lamenting that he doesn't have very many toys (strange, I know!). I'm looking for things to make him that will kill two birds with one stone - satisfy my relentless desire to sew and result in some fun for him! Thanks for such great patterns!!

sewkalico said...

These have been great tutorials and beautiful projects. Thank you for such inspiration!

Giddy for Paisley said...

I have been looking high and low for some great fabric like this for my 3 month old son. Thank you Thank you Thank you. I love the tutorials, I can't wait to get started.

R said...

I am going to 3 baby showers this week and now I have tons of ideas. Thanks for giving me some help. Now I better get busy and make some fun gifties!

Beth said...

I've been admiring this fabric on the MM web site!

doodlebugfinery said...

"First Sight" is an amazing line of fabrics! I love the endless possibilities that three colors offers. The geometric shapes are wonderful and the adorable animals are perfect! Thank you for a truly inspiring line!


Anonymous said...

LOVE the new fabrics... after finding out I am due with another boy... I have decided to start sewing like MAD.... I'm so glad I checked this blog! Cute stuff!!

Kristin said...

I have a new baby and this is awsome. I am always looking for toys that have the black & white printed patterns. Now it's fabulous I can make my own! Thanks.

Adrian and Danell said...

Great ideas and love the fabric, can't wait to make these!

Meichelle said...

Thanks for all the tutorials. :) I have been a lurker on your blog for a while. I would LOVE to win the first site gift set! My email is meichelle_w[at]hotmail[dot]com

Nana Cheryl said...

My first grandbaby is due in October. I can't wait to make all of the First Sight tutorials for him! By the way, thanks for all of your great fabric lines.

Anonymous said...

I just saw the ad for the Oh Baby collection in a magazine and I am dismayed that michael miller fabrics did not do their homework about what a baby "sees". The ad states that red, white, and black are the first colors a baby sees, as a neonatal intensive care nurse with 28 years of experence and have read countless scientific articles on just what a baby sees it's not just red, white or black. Babies perfer any high contrast, blue and white, brown and white. Please michael miller, your fabric is cute but don't put false statements in your ads.