Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Flower Fairies Preview

It's crazy busy here at Michael Miller as we pull it all together for Quilt Market. The excitement's building! Thought I'd share just a tiny sneak peek from Cicely Mary Barkers' Flower Fairies Collection. The panels below are approximately 23" - 24" x 43"44", Beautifully engraved and printed.

Apple Blossom Group
Periwinkle Group

Sunshine Group


  1. I love the Flower Fairies and can't wait for the new fabric to come out!

  2. The new panels are breathtaking!! I love them.

  3. Aaaaawwww!!! I have the books! I absolutely adore these fairies... I am so happy to see they are coming out as panels.... YAY!

  4. Oh wow! I love these, I had the book as a child. I'm sure my mother has our very well-worn copy somewhere (I hope!)
    Well done on reviving yet another beautiful classic!!!

  5. Those are Beautiful!! Have fun at the Quilt Market!

  6. These are gorgeous!

    Due to Hurricane Ike, we have had to change our plans on attending the show in Houston, but there is next year!!

  7. I adore fairies! I adore Art Nouveau! Can it get any better than this? I'm in love! October 30th can't get here fast enough - these babies are going home with me at Quilt Festival!

  8. Hi Kathy, I LOVE your blog! Thank you for the great patterns and pix! (Love the weinermobile too!)

    Do you have a pattern for the baby shoes? I also would appreciate one for an apron. Your directions are so thorough!

    Thanks for the great sewing resource, and most of all M.M. Fabrics!!

    Savannah, GA.

  9. they're wonderful...can't wait

  10. when is it comming?? can't wait

  11. I have a box of greeting cards with this art on them that I bought a few years back...just beautiful! 'Happy to have discovered your fabric shop online!

  12. I think I'll have to be getting me the Periwinkle one - hmmm I wonder why :-)
    lisa x

  13. Love all the fairy flower panels. Wish you could make a quilt pattern using all 4 panels and postcard panels. XL king. Now that would be cool

  14. I have noticed several errors in the pattern for the periwinkle fairy quilt. Am I the only one who has?

  15. Pretty helpful info, much thanks for the article.
