Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Color Stories

.....and like any good story
it may have one lead character
but more than likely it's a cast of characters.
They like to hang together as
their friendships grow, evolving over time.

Our color stories do that too,
evolving over time from one release to another.
Updating and building momentum as color trends evolve,
taking on a life of their own.
Just like a good story.

for these and more click here for 
our new release!
The Darling of the latest up-to-the-minute color trends.
Expect to see the influence of these colors
Through our mind's eye, 
our collective consciousness adjusts over time
sees the world through this cooler side of the color wheel.

Colors of the earth and city:
rustic, earthy, weathered and worn.
Seriously hip.
Casually chic.

Happy bright vivid colors
contrasted against the deepest brown:
Jet Brown
(a warmer alternative to black)
what's not to like?!


  1. I really love the orchid gray! That's my favorie!
    I don't know if you actually read these comments, but I beg you-please reprint Aqua Divas! I used it for my granddaughters all time favorite "mermaid dress" and I so want to do a quilt but I don't have too many scraps! This line was selling on ebay for $40/yd when it went out of print-it's a winner!

  2. Wheee, those Day of the Dead skulls are great and love the skulls with scissor crossbones - those are awesome!!!!

  3. I love that orchid/gray! blessings, marlene

  4. cannot wait for these I already have pen and paper to add these to mylist!!

  5. I love Michael Miller fabrics!

  6. I completely agree with everything you have printed here.
