Wednesday, October 5, 2011

life at Michael Miller

you're the winner in last week's
Spa Collection Giveaway!
 please email your name (along with your blog name)
and street address to:

We're in the throes of quilt market prep  and  thought I'd share a few behind the scenes pictures while I'm here in our New York headquarters.
(For those of you that don't know, I split my time between our New York office and northern California studio)
meet my latest attraction/distraction
Chester the office dog
Bernese mountain dog, gentle giant
(105 lbs and growing)
and the biggest fan  of our bean bag chair
   yes that's Laura Gunn's gorgeous prints he's lovin'
 can you tell he's the apple of their eyes?
not everyone's as distracted as me
after all there's work to be done
it's all arriving at the last minute 
of course....
Next week California........


  1. Holy Smokes that is awesome! it looks like a ton of fun!!!

  2. I want to make curtains out of the black, red and yellow print! It will go perfectly in our red, green, yellow & black kitchen!

  3. I think y'all should arrange a quilt/fabric show in Vancouver BC...If that happened I might die...twice :)

  4. Oh, the gray, white and yellow quilt on the wall is pretty!

  5. Kathy - just wondering if you made your pink top with the slit sleeves? And if you did, which pattern is it? If you don't mind sharing, that is!

  6. I really enjoy reading the post, thanks for sharing I really like it, I already bookmarked it, thank you guys.

  7. I think its a pretty good idea not that there aren't other sites out there that already do something similar but I think it might catch on here pretty well.

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