Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It's a girl thing color story giveaway

drum roll please....
you're the winner!
of last week's
Retro comeback color story  
please email your name (along with your blog name if different) and street address to:

now for 
today's color story:
It's a Girl Thing

 For all you girly-girls out there;
 the young and young at heart,
lovers of all things pink,
I know you're out there,
this one's for you...

sweets for the sweet
apron and chef hat tutorials on sidebar 
by Joanna of stardust shoes

hmmmm.. is that a cocktail mommy apron?
Apron pattern by: Vanilla House designs

to check out our latest inspiration/fascination obsession
and source credits for the lusciousness above: 
visit us on:
warning:do this when you've got time, guaranteed you'll be bookmarking all kinds of new blogs to keep up with!

so now's the time to leave a comment 
and let me know your favorite inspiration sources.
one random winner will be chosen to win 
a yard each of these party favorites:
CM4604 quaint cupcakes
CX4605 doily dance
and in a fit of whimsy
we'll throw in these:
CX5002 pink elephants/charcoal 
CX3136 play dot/bloom  

winner announced next Wednesday


  1. These are fabulous! And, who isn't addicted to Pinterest these days - I love to gather inspiration there!

  2. I love Pinterest and find loads of inspiration there. The only problem is I spend too much time looking and not enough time doing!

  3. I love PINK and those fabrics are so cute. I get lots of inspiration from the internet and my LQS.

  4. It's hard to tell where my inspiration comes from. I spend lot of time admiring other's people works (on Flickr and Pinterest) and I'm sure that this is one of the inspiration sources. But I'm not sure about the rest...

    PS. I love the lace prints the most and elephants - so cute and funky! (well, I'm a little girl still:).

  5. Such cute fabrics, I see the cupcakes and lace as mug rugs and the elephants & dots as something cute for camping season!

  6. PS - I get my inspiration from BLOGS like yours - afraid if I did pinterest, I would NEVER have time to sew :)

  7. I get a lot of inspiration from reading books written by authors from other countries - different views of the same items or activities. And then there's staring out the bus window to/from work - so much to see! And on every birding outing I see at least one wonderful thing I am inspired by.

  8. Pinterest is my main source of inspiration, but I also get creative jumpstarts from all my blog buddies and my children.

  9. There is always time to follow another blogger! I am in love with that apron! Its the cutest I have seen...elephants, perfection!
    My inspiration are my grandbabies. When I am with them I watch and learn their likes dislike, fav colors, characters, cuddlies they love. And then the idea will hit and I am in tearing up my sewing room trying to make the perfect item to make them smile! I have to go look at all the pink again, makes me smile! Thanks!

  10. Craft Blogs and Sewing/craft magazines are my main sources of inspiration..

  11. pinterest is definitely my fave for inspiration, not just for sewing but cooking, baking, home dec, or just inspiring a good mood!

  12. I love pinterest for inspiration. I also just like walking through store and seeing things and thinking I could make that!

  13. Oh MY GOODNESS!!! Love the pink elephants!!!
    These would be perfect! Just found out my friend is having a girl!

  14. I just joined Pinterest and I find a lot of inspiration is coming from there lately. But I also have two awesome kiddos and they absolutely inspire me daily!

  15. I too am loving Pinterest for inspiration. But my daughters inspire me so much, with their own quirky style.
    I love the elephant fabric!

  16. I get my inspiration from blogs!
    I don't do pinterest/Facebook etc - I'm sure if I did there would be no time left to sew!

  17. Lovely collection!

    My children are my greatest inspiration! :)

    Thank you!

  18. My inspiration is always my son. I live these fabrics for a girl and have actually used the grey ad white doily print for a gorgeous baby blanket for a friend. Would love to have the whole collection!

  19. Most of my inspiration comes from fabric shopping! I've got bins and bins of fabric, since I buy whatever I love! Pinterest is really helping me to convert some of my fabric in to wonderful new projects!

  20. Love those cupcake prints! Any form of art is an inspiration for me. Scrapbooking,sewing,quilting!

  21. Yummy fabrics. My inspiration comes from vintage patterns and actually feeling and looking at fabric.

  22. I have about 30 blogs on my "favorites" I check out for ideas, and just going to my local fabric shop usually gives me some inspiration. But nature is always a good place to look! I don't do Pinterest because I already spend enough time online!

  23. Beautiful fabrics! My biggest source of inspiration is looking at what others make and also my Sew Beautiful Magazines. I sew for my little granddaughter so I'm always looking for ideas even if just using a simple pattern.

  24. Blogs are definitely my biggest source of inspiration. I really like Craft Gossip for the tutorials they feature. Found a lot of new blogs that way!

  25. On dialup, pinterest is tough to use though my niece really really wants me to get into it.
    Meanwhile, I have one niece who wants everything pink, so would love to win this yardage.
    Thanks for the chance.
    BTW - really enjoyed your first interview - from Spoonflower to MM designer is awesome.

  26. i love flickr for inspiration. i can't join Pinterest. i just can't. there are not enough hours in teh day! but i can think of a lot of fun things to make with these fabrics!

  27. When it comes to inspiration, I'm a magpie. Fabrics certainly, and photos of the work of others, but I'm also inspired by tissue boxes, and wrapping paper, and my garden, and teenagers wearing colours that I would never have considered putting together.
    Love this selection of fabrics.

  28. Flickr and blogs are definitely my biggest sources of inspiration :)

  29. My biggest inspiration source is pinterest...and oh boy..I had to stop pinning to just work on the stuff I had pinned already! Its amazing to see what people can create and the tutorials they post.
    By the way the pink elephants fabric always make the (AWESOME) 80's song "Dear Jessie" by Madonna come into my head and then my heart smiles :)

  30. My inspiration is the world around me and my grandson who is blind. What he accomplishes everyday and he is such a sweet happy guy who amazes me everyday.

  31. My inspiration are blogs like this one. I spend alot of time looking at all the awesome stuff you guys make.

  32. I was inspired to make a family wall quilt. I didn't know how to quilt. I went to my local quilt shop, hired a teacher and then proceeded to design and sew and finish a wonderful wall quilt that holds my family photos. I made the photo pockets so that the photos could be interchanged and updated as the family photos changed. The log cabin pattern was the idea but it turned into a really great idea.
    Thanks for letting me share

  33. These prints are SO beautiful--I love pink and gray together! So trendy, too. My fave sources of inspiration are print magazines and catalogs.

  34. With the Internet, I find inspiration everywhere!

    Those elephants are adorable!

  35. I find inspiration in my child's drawings and their dreams! They always have funny thoughts!! :)

  36. My inspiration is my granddaughters and internet. I love the it's a girl thing... they both are girlie girls!!!(granddaughters)

  37. How could you not love an elephant and a cupcake? I love looking at old French cooking and gardening pictures. I can daydream for hours.

  38. My only child is a son, but his 2 daughters are without a doubt my girly-girl inspiration!!! From painted nails to tutu's to giggling forever and lots of dressup, they've taught me things (and will continue to!) that remind me I was a girl long before becoming a mom or grandma!

  39. I find inspirations from all your wonderful fabrics. Love them!

  40. Love your fabrics!

    I especially love pink! I find a lot of inspiration in color!


  41. I get inspiration from children and people that I talk with
    Children can be very informative
    in designing. They tell you what
    they would like in clothing and accessories.
    The Fabric and colors in this collection are also inspirational.

  42. Of course I find inspiration on Pinterest and all the blogs I read..then I ask my grandchildren( all 5) what they like..there are not enough hours in the day to do all I dream your fabrics to create some of these dreams

  43. I get inspiration from colors.. they provoke such strong happy feeling. I have tried to explain it to people and some know exactly what I'm talking about and others think I'm nuts .. I'm sure the "nut" part is true, but it has nothing to do with my love of color : )..
    Oh yes, I love the pink elephants! When I was a little girl I remember not quiet "getting" why drunk people saw pink dancing elephants.. : ) Now I do : )

  44. Love these fabrics. I get ideas from people's blogs, magazines, and memories of the past. I have no idea what I would do with these fabrics yet - but I a sure when the time came it would be fun to use them.

  45. So pretty & love the doilies. Lately I've been getting ideas from vintage sources - paper dolls, old catalogs & ads, illustrations from other eras and from fabric prints. Usually it's a beautiful print that inspires my project design!

  46. My inspiration comes from many places: the colors in a garden, the pattern on a tile floor, a photograph -- inspiration is all around me everyday and everywhere I go.

  47. My source of inspiration comes from blogs like these, family, and nature.

    Thank you for a chance to win.

  48. My inspiration comes from many things, especially beautiful fabric. Love the elephants and bubbles....make great wine bags.

  49. seeing some great fabric that immediately shows me what i need to do with it, blogs (canoe ridge creations, from the blue chair, ellison lane quilts, malka dubravsky, denyse schmidt, film in the fridge- so many!) along with my local modern quilt guild.

  50. First of all, that cake on the bottom left with the gradation of pink is to die for!

    My inspiration comes from anything in print. I scour every piece of junk mail looking for interesting color combos and patterns. Then if it sparks a thought, I'll tear it out and post it on my bulletin board.

    Online interest is not bad either.

  51. Wow! I just love this fabric line. In fact I just bought one of these fabrics for a sewing project. I have been learning to sew and am addicted to Pinterest. I probably get most of my ideas from Pinterest, but I am really liking the "Mommy Apron". One of my sewing class projects is an apron. I think that I need to order some more fabric!

  52. These are just too cute!!! My inspiration comes from people like you and others who share. Thanks.

  53. Of course on Pinterest one can find a LOT of inspiration, but I also find it in every day occurances; little things may come to light. A particular need by my daughter or a friend, something I see while walking down the street or on the university campus where I work. I always find something to try and make someone smile.

  54. I get lots of inspiration from the NYC modern quilt guild! So many inspiring quilters, I always leave there itching to sew!

  55. These are the cutest fabrics. My local quilt shop ladies are at the top of my list for inspiration. My three granddaughters would love anything made from this group of fabrics.

  56. Love all the pink! I'm in a girly frame of mind lately!
    I go to local quilt shops, blogs on the internet, tile patterns around town...just about anything that catches my eye!

  57. I'm a Pinterest addict. But I HAVE actually made a few of the projects I've pinned. :)

    These fabrics are GORGEOUS!!!

  58. Pink and gray...very 1950's! My inspiration comes from just looking at my stash. I try to "restack" my fabrics from time to time in a random way and when I'm working on my computer (that's in the same room), I take a break and look at my stash (lovingly). Sometimes I see an accidental combination that inspires me to use that fabric in a quilt. Love this line. Come on random generator! Cheery wave from Bev

  59. I love girly fabrics! I find most of my color inspiration in nature and nature photos.

  60. Love the fabrics! My source of inspiration - our group of quilters in our local area - we meet every Friday am - they always have something to inspire me!

  61. Those prints are too cute! Inspiration? My newest source is Pinterest, but I have always found inspiration from just being around my "stash" of fabrics, they just SING to me! Oh, and Barbie catalogs! I know, that one is a bit weird, but I just can't get enough Barbie!

  62. I'm always on the hunt for great prints for boys - keep 'em coming! These look fantastic!

  63. New fabric lines inspire me, as do seeing what others are making and posting about in blogs. :)

  64. These are fabulous! I get my inspiration many time from the fabric itself. Working with fabric is so tactile and mood changing. I love just feeling and working with fabrics. After that it is nature and everything around me.

  65. What gorgeous photos of gorgeous girls! Love the butterfly cupcake papers. Inspitration is everywhere!

  66. My inspiration comes from fellow bloggers, nature and art

  67. I get my inspiration from other BLOGS:) such as this one. With the internet inspiration is just a click away. LOVE, LOVE the fabric!!

  68. Pinterest and blogging are great sources of inspiration.
    I love those fabrics and have plans for them.
    Thank you

  69. Wow - such beautiful fabrics. Love the pink elephants. I get inspiration from my crafty friends, blogs and lately - spending too much time on Pinterest!

  70. Oh Hi Kathy..and pretty little bakers....I am sew pleased Christine sent me your link...I just love all, blues, greens,....well everything....I will place you on my blog roll momentarily...lovely everything...

  71. Pinterest and a few other blogs are definitely the source of inspiration for me- also, my sister, she's amazing!!

  72. My inspiration comes from blogging and sewing magazines, also from by granddaughter. I love surfing all of the wonderful sewing and fabric blogs to get ideas for my projects. I LOVE THE PINK ELEPHANTS. Thanks for your blog site and your insiration.

  73. Oh! the elephants!!
    My inspiration often comes from things my kids are doing. Lately, they've been learning French which has been fun for me. One of my new projects is a skirt made from Paris Map Fabric.

  74. Love the doily fabric and I have lots of things pinned that I could make from it.

  75. I am a sucker for pink, that is for sure! Pink elephants sound fun. :)

  76. I gain inspiration from the entire world that is opened up to me by the tips of my fingers via the internet.

  77. Inspiration is all around. Blogs, books,maazine, nature.

  78. I LOVE that elephant fabric! So whimsical and cute! Pinterest is my total obsession, I can't stop pinning and making new things. So fun.

  79. Amazing!
    Can I ask where can I find the butterfly cupcakes from the first picture?
    Again - Amazing!! :)

  80. Pinterest is a favorite for inspiration, but I love blog hopping (even if I can't remember sometimes how I got to a site!)...

  81. Oh, so pretty and fun! I can just see my 4 yr old having a great time in the kitchen!

  82. Pinterest, Blogs and Google Image Searches provide the inspiration I need. But all sorts of things give me the needed inspiration.

  83. I tend to go to the Moda Bake Shop a lot

  84. this blog of course and design sponge!

  85. Oh wow! I'm from Australia and it is so hard to get great fabric here at affordable prices. I end up ordering online from the US and I LOVE Michael Miller fabrics - and these are just lovely!! My little girl may be getting more new clothes soon!

  86. My baby girl will be ONE in April and these would make the perfect birthday outfit! I get most of my inspriration from her as of late, but also many good ideas, so little time!

  87. Usually I rely on my first reaction to patterns and fabrics for inspiration. The elephants so cute and I am not normally drawn to elephants. The first thing I thought of when I saw the elephants with the bottles in the champagn glass was the first time that I tried mschine quilting on a home sewing machine. Of course, they said you would need to practice so that you would have flowing curves instead of points and squares. You can only do so much practice and you feel like giving it up. Took a class, searched the internet for tips. I came across a article/blog that if you have a glass of wine to loosen you up before you stipple you will relax and be less tense. Two glasses work better and I have not managed to do stippling that small on my long arm. Today I am amazed at how good it looks. As for inspiration, I am constantly checking the internet for new fabrics, patterns and ideas. I started my grandaughters collecting fat quarters when they were 4. They now have quite a large stash, can coordinate colors and frequent fat quarter sales and quilt shops when they can. They let me what they like and dislike and it is a good indication of what thier age group is drawn to. Sew days with friends, shop hoppin and blogs are great ways to share ideas. Sew many project ideas and hopefully enough time to get them done!

  88. I love these fabrics. I get inspiration from pinterest, Sometimes it is to much inspirations though and I find myself with to much to try and not enough time to do it.

  89. Inspiration can come from anywhere. I love my quilt magazines and am constantly marking pages that inspire me. Quilting with friends, getting their advice, learning from them, and seeing what they create is inspiring. Looking at these fabrics is inspiring by itself!!

  90. I get my inspiration from many different places. That's why quilting is so much fun - you never know when you're going to get a new idea.

  91. Colour, light and shapes inspire me. The same thing can be different many times in a day, depending on the light which changes colour and even shapes as they are silhouetted, half lit or fully lit, and from different angles too. From the top or base, my inspiration is everywhere. It's all in the seeing.

  92. Pintrest is my latest inspiration outlet!!

  93. Lately textiles and fabrics have been a huge inspiration for me.
    I have been on a quest online for say maybe even years now to find specific designs and great fabrics and this last few weeks have been amazing with finding Michael Miller through a google search and revisiting Spoonflower to find it to be amazing. So thank you!
    Other than that I find inspiration come from anywhere, sometimes right out of the blue, other times slowly crystallising and especially when you do not have a sketch pad handy!

  94. I get my inspiration from many different blogs. And I do my share of pinning on Pinterest, too.

  95. Beautiful fabrics!! My inspiration is when I open up my Facebook or emails and see sales galore on fabric.. I dream, until I purchase, and then my ideas come to life. :)

  96. I love Pinterest, but I have a friend who stalks craft blogs and she is always showing me something that teases me into buying more fabric!!

  97. I'm a teacher and a mom and most of my inspiration comes from children's books, like Fancy Nancy and Olivia. My daughter goes for the full-on girlie and loves to look at fabric online to pick her faves. Together we come up with some deliciously cute sewing and craft projects.

  98. My favorite inspiration sources are flickr, pintrest, and my 4 year old who is obsessed with pink and sparkles! Thanks for the giveaway!

  99. My greatest source of inspiration is from Google. :D I think of something I want to make, Google it, and up come LOTS of ideas to start with and personalize. :D

  100. I'm inspired by everything, patterns on a leaf or flower, a pretty layout on a magazine page, fabulous quotations, pretty or clean, fresh graphics. A lot of inspiration comes from my reaction to environmental things, based on my education in Art History.
