Friday, June 1, 2012

Booth prep for Spring Quilt Market

As Quilt Market approaches we're often asked: 
What's your booth theme this time?
I think most people assume we've been planning it for months.
Well, not quite.   
We've been planning the line for months and that's the most urgent thing you can imagine. 
It's "all hands on deck" as the show approaches.
But the booth? 
Okay, here's how it works:
1. We consider all the prints we'll have in time for the show and visualize each as a "theme"
(we usually have MANY prints and possible themes)
2. Which theme would be the most fun? Fun is the operative word here.  It has to be fun to carry us through all the grueling hours it takes to pull it off.  It's a team effort.
3. Once we've crammed our heads with all of the above, 
 everything we see relates to the BOOTH THEME
and then the most amazing thing happens:
Inspiration strikes!
Such was the case when I spotted this elephant in the window of the prop house in our building. I Walked in and said, "How about if I rent that elephant, starch fabric on it and return it to you in perfect condition?" Next thing you know we've got 3 of them in the office and my two sisters on a plane to NY for two days and nights of nonstop starching fabric on elephants.
fun, fun, fun
next stop 
Kansas City
Booth set up
let the fun begin!
 the booth theme collection
stay tuned tomorrow 
It's Showtime!