Greetings from Osaka, Japan!
As the new year approaches, Japan is getting ready for the
Year of the Rat.
Japan has always been into "
cute". Case in point, the ever popular
Hello Kitty shown here in a rat costume as a mascot/ key fob to be hung on your cell phone. Haven't taken a poll here but it seems that everyone has some sort of mascot/charm hanging from their phone.
Gingko trees along the streets in Osaka, Japan.Here's something they never told me when I majored in textile design ages ago:
That a career in textiles would lead to travels around the world, and, in my case
a lot of it in Asia. For me this has been the best of all worlds. I love travel, long flights to read and think and the thrill of the hunt, whether it's sourcing new fabrics or finding great art reference. And then there's the side perks: s
hopping and eating!I love all Japanese food.

Most departmaent stores have an entire floor full of not only Japanese sweets ( yum) but chocolates and goodies from all over the world.

The best way to get to and from Kansai Airport and Osaka, the Rapit train, only $13 !