Did you know that organic cotton has to been grown for at least three years without chemical pesticides, defoliants, or fertilizers? It costs more because organic farms are more labor and management intensive. They're also usually smaller and do not receive federal subsidies like conventional farming.
For more info visit these sites: The Organic Trade Association and Sustainable Cotton Project.

Excellent! Can't wait to see it, and wish it had been available to *touch* at the LA Textile Show yesterday when I was there! I couldn't believe how many new *green* companies were there - great trend!
Oh, I love that you're doing this. It's about time organic cottons hit the quilt market! I'll look for it at Market, and I hope to meet you too. I'm at booth 2053, not too far from you.
I can't wait.....Seriously!
I first caught wind of this when a retailer contacted me about making organic cotton diaper bags. I mentioned my concern about the fusible interfacing (with it's melting glues) might not make the cut. Hopefully the trend will catch on and we'll be able to make products like diaper bags fully organic!
How exciting! I love organic cotton and have gotten quite persnickety lately about only wanting to use it. Great project ideas, too.
Organic cotton just sounds yummy! I'll stop by and hopefully meet you and see this wonderful new product at market! I am in booth 1717
Oh my, can't wait to get a stash full of this. Beautiful!
Beautiful! Would make me want to sew something for a baby ;>)
wow, that's great!
how cool! I hope it reaches us in NZ before too long.
just beautiful! can't wait to see this!
I really like your new fabrics. Cute pincushion too : )
OOOH! I'm SO excited about this organic line! Would it be too much to ask to have some colors other than beige and off-white though? Don't get me wrong, I will definitely be buying this stuff! Thanks for putting it out there in the mainstream fabric market!
hello from France !
very nice your blog !
This is wonderful to see organic fabrics finally getting out there in the mainstream market. I'm wondering where your fabric is made though - is it grown and woven/knitted here in the U.S. or is it all coming from outside the country? If it's not from the U.S., where is it from? Thanks!
Hi Kathy,
I have a few questions I'd like to ask you about your organic fabrics, some of which I featured in my upcoming book, Sewing Green!
If you have a moment, I'd be grateful if you could email me:
Warm regards,
Betz White
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