Monday, February 4, 2008

Blog Hijack

If you read this blog, then you are a fan of Michael Miller fabrics or Kathy Miller. Well. (Insert first of wicked giggles here.) This is not Kathy Miller. (Insert second, more slightly wild wicked giggle here.) I have HIJACKED Kathy's blog! (Insert wild, out of control cackle here Muaa haa haaa!)

This is Sandi Henderson of Portabellopixie. And before you call the blog police, Kathy has asked me to fill in today and guest write. But I'm going to pretend she doesn't know about it because it's more fun that way. ;)

Let's see, so I am supposed to talk about me. Well, in case you aren't bored to your gourd from reading about me on my blog, then here is the scoop! I am a lisenced designer for Michael Miller Fabrics. My first line, Ginger Blossom is just about to hit stores. In the next few weeks everyone will be able to play with it!

Working with Kathy and everyone at Michael Miller has been so wonderfully rewarding that we decided to start right into a second line after the artwork for Ginger Blossom was completed. That second line will debut in May and will be in stores shortly after that. So there will be lots to play with in the next little bit!

My background is in children's clothing design, and along with the second line of fabric, we will be releasing our first line of sewing patterns. The line consists of 4 patterns for boutique children's clothing. What is boutique clothing? To me it means super cute and very well contructed, while still being wearable! Here is a sneak peek of one of the patterns to be released this May at Quilt Market. These patterns will go beyond a regular "how to" in that each one will have an inspiration section that will really show how to make the most of the pattern. Dozens of beautiful photography to dazzle and delight. Crafting and sewing are again becoming cool and sewing for children is a huge part of that!
Let's see, before I go, how about I give away some fabric? We had a little giveaway over in my land recently and only one person got to win, so I'll spread a little textile love over here too. Leave a comment and TWO (whoa) people will win a fat quarter of each print from Ginger Blossom. From me to you. Just don't tell Kathy I hijacked her blog or we won't get to do this again. shhhh.. muahh ha ha (You should totally give the wicked laugh a try, it's good for the sould every now and then.)


1 – 200 of 284   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

Sandi, you are a nut! LOL! Can't wait to get my hands on some Ginger Blossom -- and the next great things to come from you and MM, too!

Cindy DF said...

Hi Sandy - I can't wait for the patterns!! Fabric is WONDERFUL!!

Anonymous said...

The fabric looks like it will be fun to work with and the patterns look like they will be exciting too!

Natalie said...

Oh Sandi, I was so excited to see you over here today. I really hope that I am able to win some of your beautiful Ginger Blossom. I am really excited to see it in the stores and get my hands on it.

Sarah said...

I hope I hope I hope! And I can't wait for your second line, too. And the kids clothing patterns. And to have time to have fun with all of it! :)

imquilternity said... your fabrics and can't wait to see (and buy) your second line. See you at Quilt Market in May! -Terri

Anna & Miri's Mom said...

The patterns sound great!

Kylie said...

Hi Sandi (or should I call you evil blog hacker ;-) )
I am very quickly becoming a ginger blossom groupie I think so it was fab to read your post here. Loving the look of that dress! What a cutie!
I can't wait for your range to hit the stores Down Under...I'm going to ask my local store asap to order order ORDER it all!!
Okay....too many exclamation marks for one comment. A tad excited about the prospect of winning fat quarters!

Unknown said...

Oooo what a fabulous giveaway! Pick me pick me pick me!

Beth said...

Your secret is safe with me! And congrats on the new line!

Kate said...

Can't wait to see this in real life - and a second line - congratulations!

Alissa said...

Can't wait to check out all of your fabrics and blog!! Thanks for posting here and the give away!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to get my hands on the fabric and also the patterns! I would really love to win some!

Sarah said...

Very pretty fabrics! I love the water lilies.

Emily said...

I read your blog too, and am totally not bored out of my gourd. Just super inspired! I can't wait to see the fabric and the (yay!) patterns!

Katie said...

i won't tell Kathy of you won't!!

Ginger said...

I am loving the whole wicked laugh thing, and would totally do it right now if I weren't so sick that I just want to curl up and... sleep!

I haven't had a chance to go buy your fabric yet, so I am hoping to win!

I can't wait for the patterns by the way. That is a beautiful dress!

Anonymous said...

You are certainly making this blog live up to its name!! Definitely making it fun.

I too can't wait to get my hands on some Ginger Blossom and can't wait to see the second instalment.

Kira said...

Boutique clothing? YEAH! I have been dying to make some for my little girl ... and really wanted something fun ... girl you are just too awesome!!! :)

Anonymous said...

hey sandi!
What a treat to see you over here! I am ready for your fabric! Gimme!

Becky said...

I'd love to win some of that really cute fabric.

Erin said...

Looking forward to the patterns. That dress is beautiful and I love your ginger blossom line. Congratulations!

lera said...

Your new designs are absolutely stunning! Congratulations and good luck.

Anonymous said...

I normally don't enter giveaways, but your fabric is so cute! How could I not enter?

Anonymous said...

I love your fabric and can't wait to see the patterns!

Karyn said...

Congratulations Sandi!! I'm so in love with your fabrics, I hope I can find somewhere to buy them (I'm in Canada, so that's not too likely).

Anonymous said...

I would absolutely love to win some that fabulous fabric...I love the water lilies and bouquet toss patterns especially!

jane said...

As a mom of 2 boys I am so excited to start sewing beautiful things for my new neice who recently arrived from Viet Nam. Your fabric is fabulous... can't wait to get started!

Colene said...

How fun and exciting! I just found out I'm going to be a gma, and I'm hoping for a little girl. Another chance at making cute little clothes and more quilts. I love the looks of your pattern and fabric line.

Shelly said...

I've been waiting for that fabric! The patterns sound wonderful. Anything for boys in there?

Mama Urchin said...

Sandi you are just too silly. I cannot wait for the patterns.

downstairs Designs said...

Gorgeous, and can't wait for the patterns to come- I have a little 4 year old that dress would look great on!

Sequana said...

I expect to win on both blogs.
*maniacal laughter*

Anonymous said...

A wicked laugh always does a body good! I cannot wait for your fabric line and I am very excited to hear about the clothing patterns.

Anonymous said...

I was just checking out the Ginger Blossom swatches yesterday. I can't wait to get my hands on some of the fabric!

Marla said...

Looking at this pattern makes me want to whine for grandchildren.!!!

Nicole said...

Sandi I am SO excited to get my hands on some ginger blossom.....and a new line as well as patterns?? AHHH!!! Heaven! :)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to get my hands on some Ginger Blossom fabric!! Now you say there is another line?? AY YI YI! Be still my heart :D

Chelsea said...

Hi Sandi,

I left a comment on your blog so here's trying a second time for some of your delicious fabric!


Chelsea said...

oh p.s.! The link to your blog is missing its colon so it doesn't link. fix fix fix :)

Anonymous said...

So pretty! Hope I win. Your blog is such fun!

Annie said...

Your fabric is so cute! The patterns sound great, I wonder if they'll be any patterns for little boys?

I hope I win :)

Anonymous said...

Oh I cannot wait to get my hands on some of your fabric. I love that scarf!! So stinkin' cute!

Julie said...

Sandy I am so excited for your fabric to be released. You are sucha wonderful designer.
way to go.
shhh I'm not going to tell kathy hehe

Janice said...

Love the ginger blossom line of fabric. I couldn't get the link to your blog to work, I'll try again later.

Beth H said... are so, so sneaky with this hijack! And the surprise of patterns on the way and free fabric now. AWESOME. Count me in.

Lisa said...

(Whispering) Count me in!! I love seeing new stuff before the rest of the world. muahh ha ha.

I noticed that the wicked laugh isn't nearly so effective if you are still whispering when you do it!

Sara said...

I can't wait to get my hands on your fabric!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to get some of the fabric and patterns. I just love your designs:)

Anonymous said...

I love that little dress. and what a great idea the inspiration section is.

Melanie said...

Oh - I wish you could hear my son's wicked laugh. I think he perfected it at 18 months...maybe 2 years!

Liz R. said...

patterns!? i can't wait! i'd love some fat quarters of your stuff too! (i've already got 25 yards of your fabric on pre-order, but i'm sure it'll be backordered because it's so cute!. . . i'm making a duvet cover +)

thanks sandi!

Beth said...

Ginger Blossom is awesome (pun intended!)!! Can't wait to see it at my local quilt shop!

Laura said...

I want some fat quarters! I have 3 daughters to sew for and sure could use some beautiful fabric to make some pretties with!

Sheridan said...

I can't wait to see this fabric in the flesh, so to speak. Looks amazing, you must be so proud!

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous fabric, and what a cute little dress.

Thimbleanna said...

You're a funny, funny girl Sandi! Love your new fabric!

Jamie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Sandi!! It was good to see you here on Kathy's blog! You have such a great knack for writing...not to mention fabric & clothing design! I can't wait to see your new stuff in May! I am waiting on my order from Ginger Blossom...whoo hoo!!


Anonymous said...

Sandi is such a nut. I love her blog and the creativity there! She's a pretty cool lady. You should forgive her for the hijacking!

Jamie said...

Oh wow, that new fabric looks yummy! Can't wait to get my hands on some.... can't wait to see your patterns either. I love making clothes for my little girl.

Tamara said...

I love the dress! I can't wait to see the patterns you have up your sleeve!

Emily said...

I can't wait to get my hands on your fabric!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see all of the new line - the sneak peek looks sensational!

night owl said...

I can't wait to get some of this fabric! I have been like a little kid, impatiently waiting until it hits the store. I hope my local store gets the whole line, my fabric stash awaits some new friends...

lindagerig said...

Can't wait to see the fabric in person. Linda G in Mi

Anonymous said...

I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE the fat quarters!

TMQG said...

ooh and we have to wait even longer to get it over here, looks great,I put my hand up Miss....
Helen (in OZ)

Charity said...

I live in Alaska and get so tired of seeing the same fabric at the same 3 quilt stores in my area....they all seem to have the same stuff, no variety...I am extremely excited to see the new kids patterns, as I have 3, as well as the launch of a new line. Thanks for giving me something to look forward in the current -25 degree weather!

Anonymous said...

I love your fabric so much. It is so fun and bright! I cant wait to buy some of it!

Anonymous said...

That dress is adorable Sandi!!!


Unknown said...

Hmmm Yummy and naughty!!

Ruth's Place said...

The dress is fabulous.

Vi said...

OMG I just HAVE to be in this!! I can't wait to buy some Ginger Blossom fabrics. :-)

antique quilter said...

The fabrics are beautiful! can't wait to see them in person.
that dress is adorable and so is the model!

Craftyvolunteerfiremom said...

I'm new to this website! Went web surfing for Michael Miller fabrics -- I just love them. Can't wait to see the new fabrics and patterns. I love to quilt and sew clothes for my little girls, too!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I love the Ginger blossom patterns. I live in the Netherlands and I make clothes for my children. It is so hard to get those beautiful prints here.

Good luck with the launch of Ginger Blossom!

Chookyblue...... said...

goodluck with your new exciting

Lisa said...

gorgeous fabric!!!!!!!!!! love it, love it.

Tia said...

Lovely... gorgeous, gingery, blossomy, beautiful! (A blossom not so "ginger" about blog-busting and fairy-dusting parcels to a lucky twosome!) Congratulations on your debut fabric line - how exciting!

Kelly said...

You are so silly! I am laughing while I read! Would love to win some of your super fab new fabric! -kb

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the patterns. Love the fabric, especially since my younger daughter is named Ginger!

colleen said...

I think your fabric will jumpstart my sewing hobby again (even if I don't win it, I'll definitely buy some)!

Anonymous said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Sandi! Love Ginger Blossom! The prints are so bright and fun. You are having a fabulous time, aren't you! p.s. Hi, Kathy!

Patty said...

What a nice surprise this morning to see your message on Kathi's blog....I love your clothing designs and can't wait to see the fabric lines!

Anonymous said...

I love that little dress, it is darling! LOVE the fabric, I have tried explaining to my hubby why I need more fabric, it is like explaining why I need more than one pair of brown shoes! LOL Can't wait for the whole line. :) Shawnta

Anonymous said...

gorgeous fabric! it looks so fun and colorful. I'd love to add it to my fabric stash. *fingers crossed*

can't wait to see the next line.

Providence Handmade said...

I've already pre-ordered some but would looooove more! I can't wait to see the patterns.

Unknown said...

What a sweet pattern! And the fabric is beautiful!

Cory said...

These fabrics are gorgeous. Thank you for offering us a chance to win. Take care and God bless, Cory

Joy said...

Oooo fabric and patterns...what could be better?! ;) Looking forward to all your exciting items this year!

Anonymous said...

Fabric! Patterns! Boutique! Bawaaahhaaaaahaaaaa(Wicked laugh!)
Now your talking my language! I am so excited about your success and this line of fabric! Paleeeeeeez pic me! I will make something Wicked Cute out of it! Hee Hee! oops! I mean.. Buwahhhaaaahhaaaa!


Green Spade Inn said...

Can't wait for your fabric to hit stores!

Rosie's Whimsy said...

OOOOOh Sandi, the fabrics are delicious and the kittle girl's dress to so sweet. I sure hope my first grandchild is a little girl :-)

Sarah and Jack said...

Ohh, have to give it a go one more time. :-)

Deanna McCool said...

Love fat quarters.....come on by and hijack my blog if you want! I've got a contest for a free set of hair bows if you come up with a creative name for a band that represents your hobby...seriously! Bows to match Sandi's fabric if you want! :) Deanna

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited to get some of your fabric and patterns! Congratulations on all your success!

MegN said...

I can't wait to create with your fabrics such beautiful colors! You are such an inspiration! Meg

Lindsey said...

Congrats on the 2nd line! I can't wait to play with all the fabric, it all looks delish!

Anonymous said...

Ever since I saw your fabric I have been dying to get my hands on some. I even posted on my blog about it and french friends keep asking me when it finally comes into stores!

Crisanne said...

I went in a store this weekend and requested they purchase your line! I'd love to have some your gorgeous fabric.

Dana said...

Muh-ha-ha-haaaaa! Pick me. Pick me!!!

Anonymous said...

I just checked my store the other day for Ginger Blossom, I am anxiously awaiting it's arrival! I can't wait to see it!

Erika Cass Designs said...

I'm so excited! I can't wait to get my hands on some of this fabric. You rock girl! :o)

Anonymous said...

I love your fabric and I can't wait to see the second line!

Kate said...

Because waiting for it to come to my local shops ... even preordering it online is simply way, way, way too long to wait!

:) Love it Sandi, and Kathy thanks for allowing a hijacking!

M said...

I love your fabrics....and that dress is absolutely precious. With twin girls on the way I am drooling with the thoughts of them wearing such adorable clothing.

Tanya @ Ever After Cottage said...

Gorgeous fabric and now great patterns too? Can life get any better? Only if I win the fabric!

annette said...

My fingers and toes are crossed cause please please let it be me!!! Thanks for hijacking the blog... as truly Kathy has been WAY lacks in keeping it updated - unlike you on yours!!!! (jk Kathy - really no hard feelings!!:) Cannot wait to feel that fabric and you are so right... there is something quite delicious in a wicked laugh!! (As my middle girlie would say - "it makes your intestines giggle!!")

Kim said...

I never win anything, and I would LOVE to win this! :D

Heather said...

I love Ginger Blossom, and I cannot wait until they are available for purchase. Please enter me into the give away!

Anonymous said...

I'd love some fat quarters of your line. Please enter me in the drawing.

Lisa D. said...

Ooo - me, me, me - pick me! I would love to win your fabric!

Molly Amanda said...

J'taime Ginger Blossom!

Unknown said...

I have just loved your work since the ebay days. I am so happy for you and your family! Best of luck.

Emily Anne Leyland said...

I totally had to enter! I LOVE Ginger Blossom, and I want to win. Me me me, pretty please with sugar on top?

jessilong said...

muuuaahaha.... you're right, it is fun. This is adorable fabric. I love it!

Anonymous said...

Even I, the mother of two boys, love the Ginger Blossom fabric line. Can I challenge you to design a fabric collection for boys next? I would love to see patterns for boys shirts too (don't bother with pants as it's tough to get them out of blue jeans!). Hmmm, the easiest thing might be to "adopt" a friends little girl...

Anonymous said...

ooh, ginger blossom looks so pretty! I love it!!

Anonymous said...

i love love love your fabric! please, please, please, me me me!

Alicia said...

congrats on the fabric - I love the bright designs and colors!

Andrea said...

Wow number 123 doesn't seem like good odds but I just can't resist trying to get my hands on some of those prints.

Julia said...

Pick Me! Pick Me!
Can't wait to see some of this fabric in person.

Kari V. said...

Congratulations, Sandi! You have been a busy bee!!!

Tami @ Lemon Tree Tales said...

Ooh, I didn't realize that you were also releasing a line of children's patterns along with your fabrics. Have you seen the patterns available in the fabric shops now? They're just not all that interesting. Here's to a very successful launch of your first fabric line!

Candlestring said...

Wow. I would LOVE to win this, and I have two little girls to sew for! Can't wait to see the patterns, too.

Melissa said...

Have I told you lately that I love you! You make me laugh!!! Can't wait for you patterns!!!!

bulabean said...

Haha! Great blog post. I need to win some of this fabric! I have big plans for this stuff...

cmay said...

it's so pretty!

6feet said...

I can't wait to see the fabrics and patterns. What inspiration. Your post was lots of fun!


Poulsen Family said...

Muahh ha ha're right, my soul is feelin' it. Muahh haha, you've started something. Any way, with 132 comments my likelihood of winning is WAY low, but heck, I love fabric, and free would be even better!

Becky said...

Can't wait to see the patterns! You are such an inspiration!!

Blooming Soul Arts said...

Can't wait to see these lovely fabrics in person! Hope I win!! :) Stephanie

Mika said...

I can't wait to see your patterns too!!! My GB has been ordered, and I'm not so patiently waiting for it. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Sandi your fabrics are gorgeous! I do hope they make it over to Australia!


Joanna said...

Well if free fabric is what comes from a hijacking then I say hijack away!

margaret k. said...

you are too fab. and hijacking is way more fun with freebies involved,


Anonymous said...

Hmm..somehow my last comment didn't go through...ok I am so excited for your fabric and patterns!! Thanks for this giveaway!

.: Denise Cortez :. said...

wow,that fabric line it's super cute :)

Can't wait to get my hand on those

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh please please please I want to win some fabric! Ha Ha Ha (can you tell I am in love with your fabric?)

Mickey Staudt said...

So incredible to watch a person's dream come true. You are such an inspiration. My 4 daughters love to keep up with your blog and have enjoyed watching the process of designing your own fabric. Congrats on the beautiful new line, thanks for sharing. We hope you'll keep up your blog, even though yo are so busy. (the girls are dying to see what the chair will look like when you are done with it)

The Portens said...

I LOVE the fabric and can't wait to get my hands on some of it!! Can't wait to see your new line! Thanks for the peek!

Stacy said...

I love your fabric!


Cathy said...

Sandi, your line of fabric looks wonderful and I can't wait to see all your patterns.

Kim said...

Wonderful line, and my, you draw a crowd :)

Anonymous said...

The fabric look beautiful. I can't wait to see it in the stores. I'll have to check out your blog.

Whitney of lilli tutu said...

LOVE GINGER BLOSSOM! You have no idea how excited I am about the patterns. My pulse is speeding up in that way that fabricaholics' pulses do:) Great job and can't wait to see the next line.

Anonymous said...

I love your clothing designs and can't wait to see the patterns - and the fabric. Wow, you are so creative.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandi - You are such an inspiration...I recently got a sewing machine and started researching what's out there in the way of fabric and patterns and now I am HOOKED. Your whimsical fabric and your gorgeous clothing you have created spark my imagination. I'm 28 years old and know that I will now be sewing because of you for the next 60+ years (hopefully, I'm around that long!) Amii W. (

Megan said...

I love Ginger! And Blossoms! Pick me!! Please!

pinkchook said...

The fabric line looks beautiful can wait to sse it IRL. Patterns look fantastic too. said...

I can't wait to get my hands on some of your new fabric. It's stunning. The patterns look great too!

Andre'a said...

Wowee enter me!! I love a fabric give-a-way. Congrats!!

Anonymous said...

Pick Me! Pick me! I love your fabric!

Kerri said...


I met you last October in Houston and was so impressed with you and your hubby. What a great team you make! Can't wait to get my hands on some of your Ginger Blossom fabric. My husband and kids always catch me on your blog because they've memorized your playlist. Best of luck with everything!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! Congratulations. How very very very exciting!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the Ginger Blossom would help me get some "Spring Love" on such a winter's night. It looks great

Anonymous said...

i can't wait for your patterns and i'd love to win some fabric too! I liked reading your little bio here.

helenw said...

Beautiful! Really nice colors.

Anonymous said...

Well Sandi, Since you're the head honcho here right now and since you really liked my piggy name "Portabello Piggy" I really think I should be one of the winners. I've been lusting after this fabric for months. So "choose me, pick me, love me" or however it goes.

Sarah said...

I'm super excited for the patterns! It's so nice when patterns accompany a fabric line.

Anonymous said...

Love the ginger blossom line. Can't wait to see your patterns!
Jacqueline Nybo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I NEVER win anything, but couldn't resist entering for a chance at getting some of this yummy fabric!!

Anonymous said...

Ooh fabric said in my Ursula wicked laugh voice from The Little Mermaid. ;)

Michelle said...

Your fabric is beautiful! And I love that dress. My daughter would look adorable in it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandi!
How fun! 166 comments and counting. Love it and love your fabric!
cheers, Katie

Anonymous said...

Ok, so being awake at 1 am was not so funny...until I read this blog. I am sitting here laughing imagining you twisting your fingers in and out of each hand.
But, I digress, first I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THOSE PATTERNS!!!!! I am already drooling and the ginger blossom prints look amazing and modern and perfect for any glam- princess-in-training like my goddaughters who will be receiving something handmade with these patterns that is for sure.
Ah, one more reason to be in love with Michael Miller fabrics!!!!

Releia said...

Oh my oh my. I LOVE this fabric and can't wait to get my hands on some, won or bought. :)

Deb said...

Me too! Me too! Me too!

The Winns said...

I love your fabric. I can't wait to get some and start sewing for my 3 girls!

Anne Margaret said...

Thnaks for the shot of spring this morning! Love the dress and look forward to seeing all the patterns.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the fabric and to see the new stuff in May.

Anonymous said...

Your too fun! Love your fabrics. Yes...crafting and sewing are cool!!!!

Abby and Stephanie said...

Visions of Ginger Blossoms are dancing in my head. LOVE your happy fabric.

Anonymous said...

Love love love the beautiful Fabrics!

Annie D , North Carolina

Unknown said...

Am quite new to this, only found out about your blog last week while looking for some fabric and now i am addicted to your blog and a few others!! Love your new fabric line and can't wait to buy some. Your blog was helpful in finding out where i could pre-order it.

Anonymous said...

Love the new fabric! It looks perfect for spring projects.

The Asquad said...

love the colors and vintage style print. you ROCK, Miss Sandi~~

Diane Gill said...

I so envy you of your fun job! I know that there is a lot to do with deadlines, etc, but how exciting. Your fabric looks so yummy and the dress is to die for. Thanks so much for sharing everything with us.

Kelly C. said...

Glad to see some action here on the blog!
It seems so far in between posts!

Anyway, your fabrics look scrumptious! Best of luck w/your soon to be released line!

Here's hoping I'm the lucky girl;)!

Julianna said...

I would soooooooooo love some of your awesome fabric.

RWilson05 said...

I must say that I absolutely LOVE your fabrics!! The designs are so fresh, and fun, and COLORFUL! I'm brand new to the world of sewing, and am swimming through my first project. EEEK! I'm very inspired though, by your blog over at PortabelloPixie! I have two daughters, a son, and another on they way anytime now (yay!) and have so many projects in mind for the little ones! In time... Keep up the fantastic work you do, designing, and creating, and INSPIRING!!!
-an avid fan =o)

Anonymous said...

Sandi, You continue to amaze me. I'm like comment #185???!!! Whoa. That some serious following. I thought when I was comment 120 something on your blog that was unbelievable. I don't know why I feel proud of you but I do. I don't know you, actually. But since I've been reading you for a while and share common interests, its like I feel you are a friend. I think you are fabulous and amazing and your mom must be the most proud woman. Ginger Blossom is so anticipated!!

Anonymous said...

Pick me! Pick me! Cannot wait for your fabric, and especially the patterns! Keep up the good work!

SNubile said...

Your work is amazing. I can't wait until your second fabric collection comes out as well as the patterns.


Stephanie said...

I am your biggest fan!.......muahh ha ha!

Puhleese, pick me!

Anonymous said...

You ROCK Sandi!!!! Congrats to you!!! Can't wait to see the patterns.

With friendship,

LilCupcake said...

I would love to be your Ginger Blossom Mini Me. Muuu haaa haaaa!!! Congratulations! Anxiously awaiting the release! Oh and can't wait to get my hands on the patterns!

The Schoutens said...

I am totally loving the peeks we've had of your new line. I would LOVE to win some!

Life in the Disability Lane said...

I still can't find the flannel Sandi! Help!!! Maybe I will win and I might get some through that?! *insert wicked grin!*

Lisa said...

You're great! Can't wait to see your fabric in real life!

Anonymous said...

The fabric is beyond gorgeous. Can hardly wait to see it in person and add some to the stash! :) Congrats on your first line of fabric, Sandi!

Suzanne said...

OMG...that fabric and dress are gorgeous! I have 2 little girls who would look so cute in it!

Gina said...

I saw your new line in my fabric store the other day...well it was all fat quaters, but I can't wait to get my hands on it!

Amy said...

Oh!! I want some fabric!

Anonymous said...

How could I resist? Your fabric is gorgeous!

Jenna said...

i am so excited about your new fabrics! they are so yummy! won't you spread some textile love this way???;)

Funktional Threads said...

Wow, Sandi, seeing your dress done up in your prints makes me think I better add those color variations to my order! It was hard enough to limit myself to 5 prints and now you've made it even harder. As much as I look forward to seeing "what's next" from you, for budgetary reasons I'm glad it's not right away. :-)

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