Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It's A Girl Thing color story giveaway

You're the winner for last week's 
color story giveaway
Please email your name and street address to:

Now for today's color story:

Here at Michael Miller we try our best to please you all.  
( that's not just schmoozing, I really do mean it)  
That means listening to what you ask for and what you buy

The majority of you have made it very clear: 
When it comes to the colors you want for your children,
It's Pink for girls, Blue for boys.
This is soooo traditional it's embarrassing.  
But combining ballet pink with coral and gray puts a bit of a twist (and somewhat retro) on this 
traditional girly-girl favorite. 

Don't get me wrong - 
I'm not saying we need or want to pigeon-hole our kids into certain color traditions.  
I'm also not so sure that so many little girls would be drawn to all things pink, lavender and girlie 
if they weren't bombarded by endless aisles of pink and lavender in the "girl" toy aisles and the media. 
What they need is OPTIONS and this is only one of MANY.

so now it's time to share your thoughts.
Leave a comment
and next wed. one random winner 
will receive 1 yard of each of the "its a girl" prints shown above.

Next wed. will be all about BOYS!


1 – 200 of 248   Newer›   Newest»
Nancy said...

i'm a girl and these colors and fabrics are wonderful...

Andria said...

I love adding the coral and gray to liven up the traditional pink!

Coralee said...

I find the more you fight it, the more your little girls will want to wear it. If pink is what makes a little girl feel pretty then I say "don't fight it". I love the combination of grey and pink (I think even more than I did the pink and brown combo)

Anonymous said...

Those fabrics are awesome! I'm not at all a girly person, but I can see my child being one! Again, it's not able pigeon holing, but about giving options.

Laura said...

I have developed more of a love of pink the older I have gotten. I have always loved coral and the pinks, corals and greys in this line are magnificent!!

Regan said...

omigosh...the bike, the in looove

Amy said...

Love it! I have the boy's colorway and it made a super cute quilt. I really like that you made a girl's colorway.

April @ Sewing Novice said...

Seriously is there a Michael Miller fabric that I don't like?!?!?

Mika said...

I love it! I have one girl after 4 boys, so having things not quite so frilly as options is good!

Anonymous said...

I love the grey with the pink.

HouseofSix said...


Goosegirl said...

OH!! My little girl would LOVE that bicycle print and the hippo and giraffe print and the dots and..and..and.. I just love it too!
Thank you for the chance to win.

ssmith said...

I love the pink and grey! The animals are adorable and that bicycle print is great, too. Can't wait 'til I have a little girl that I can dress up in pink! Can't wait to see the boy colorway, either!

sewkalico said...

I have 2 little boys and wasn't that fussed about pink, but when I found out that the (surprise!) baby we are expecting in October is a girl, well, I don't know what came over me, but suddenly I like pink. Maybe it's pre-condtioning or years of boy stuff in the house :-)
Your fabric range is a wonderful and refreshing diversion from pure pink! Love it!

Jenny said...

i do not fall into this pigeon hole. nor does my daughter. she had never said pink was a fav color of hers...mostly she likes purple. close i know...but her baby quilt (i made) was green,orange, blue and red. although i do love what MM has going on here with pink + gray!

robin said...

Oh my! Those pink hippos are just too cute! Thanks for the chance. :)

Marcia W. said...

One grandniece loves purple and the other barely 3yo says "it has to be pink". So, this would be a fantastic win to make dresses and quilt / drapes for her and a new sister due in August. Thanks for the story.

DianeY said...

I have 3 granddaughters & they all want Pink almost exclusively! I do love it mixed with the coral, though. I actually am working on a quilt now in the boy range of these!

Lisa said...

This colorway is so stinkin' cute!!

Jill said...

I love the pink bicycle print so much! I have three girls, so we have a lot of pink and frilly around here. We can always use more!

Anita said...

I love the pink bicycle print! My girls both love pink. I love all of the fabrics!

Rachel White said...

When I had a girl, after three boys, I was so excited to embrace all things pink!! My daughter's favorite blanket is made from carnival bloom fabric. I love ALL Michael Miller fabric!!

Mandy said...

Just when I think the color combos can't get any better, you post this one! I LOVE it!

Jen said...

I absolutely love that animal print fabric. So cute.

BreC said...

I'm already thinking of all the things I could make my niece with this collection!

Carrie L said...

I like these colors a lot. Even though my daughter's favorite color is blue, she doesn't mind some pink now and then!

Moni said...

The problem is that my son's faborite colors are pink and orange. I need a boy pink print (like the zoo one shown)that isn't girly :) He would love it!

Sarah said...

More GORGEOUS fabrics.. I'm drooling... As a wee girl I hated pink! Love it now tho... Especially with grey!

Hillary said...

They are all lovely! Especially love the bicycle print!

Anonymous said...


April said...

These are beautiful. And really? Why would traditional be embarrassing any more than modern would be? It's just another preference in a sea of choices.

momxfive said...

love your color combo,it is reminiscent of the 50s! the prints are awesome. I would love to win this,it would make an awesome quilt for my soon to be born first grandchild.

Sadie said...

My daughter is a real girly girl. But her favourite colour is green. I really like the combination of the grey with the pink, keeps it from being too sweet. Thank you for the chance to win :-)

Sadie said...
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Sarah said...

Love those sweet elephants! I hate to admit it, but my sweet little girl looks fabulous in pink. I tried hard to steer clear of it, but it's just impossible!

deede said...

Well, and the thing is, some of us don't outgrow it. I have a friend who looooovvvveeeesssss pink--her kitchen and its appliances are pink, she has a new baby girl, and the nursery is P-I-N-K. She also drives a Vespa. Guess what? It's PINK!
But she's my friend and it's all beautiful.

Laura said...

Oh I love all of it.

Louise said...

I have a little guy who likes pink. The bicycle print might just be perfect for him :) Plus lots of girls in this fam. This prints are beautiful!

Periwinkle Paisley said...

That ogee on the top is just lovely. I can think of about 10 things I want to do with it! Now that my daughter is 8 she's branching out into other color preferences but for a while there it was pink or nothing.

adnohr said...

My almost 3 yo girl just requested pink curtains for her room and everything else pink to go with.

Brittney said...

I love these colors! And dare I say - the pop of grey would make these fabrics adorable for a little boy's bow tie :) And just about anything for a modern little girl!

Henria O. said...

I'm a mom of two daughters and these make me soo excited! Love these fabrics!

Danielle said...

This color combo is gorgeous. It would be so cute made up into a nursery room for a baby girl.

Sandy said...

Wow, that bike fabric is wonderful! Thanks for the opportunity to win!=)

Smriti said...

This is such a fresh look to the girly pinks! Beautiful fabrics! I heard that there was a study and it was found that left to themselves girls would actually pick blue and boys pink!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Em said...

I was never much for pink. However, with two little girls of my own, it was inevitable that some pink would find its way into our home. Funny thing is? The color has actually grown on me and I now even own some pink thinks for myself. Crazy! I love that this line is pink without being all up in your face with it's pinkness.

TheUnSoccerMom said...
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TheUnSoccerMom said...

When I was pregnant, 17 yrs ago!!, I was so against dressing my baby girl in the "traditional" pink... but when she was born, I couldn't help it! She was a girl and pink just suited her. When she got older, her tastes moved from pink to purple, not much of a jump if you ask me. But when you have a little girl, pink just seems to fit! :o)

Nicole Moore said...

I love the touch of gray. It makes me happy to see a beautiful mesh of colors!

Meredith said...

I LOVE those! They are beautiful. Pink + gray = PERFECT!

Madalyn's Mommy said...

These are so cute!!! I love the animals and the bikes!

Bailey said...

i love grey and pink together, these prints would make beautiful back to school dresses for my girls...girls that love pink! mama's fault, i will take full blame for that...everything else is daddy's fault :P

Abigail Prescott said...

I'm eight months pregnant with my first little girl (after two boys!) and can't wait to finally BUY PINK. It's been a long wait! Thanks for the giveaway!

TikiChic said...

Looove the bicycles!!

Erzebat said...

love lvoe love this line! love the black and pink. a little bit of Elvis! (bestest Elvis lip) thank you....thankyouverymuch!
(mauh) Liz

Lou Ann Lathrop said...

Michael Miller fabrics rock. Fabric isn't just about style and Pattern. The tones of the colors have to match the tones of the wearer. My new granddaughter has the perfect skin tone to go with these fabrics. I'm dieing to create something fun for her.

Lisa said...

I love the grey/black pink im so glad you have a hot pink in this too...older girls love that . thank you for having such a generous giveaway!

Michelle said...

I have 4 nieces, and I can see lots of cute stuff for them out of this fabric. Love the colors and the prints!!

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

I love that you went with a softer, muter colour of pink to match with the grays. I have two little girls and this is right up their ally!

SNubile said...

We went all out on the pink for our first daughter. When we found out baby #2 was also girl, we tried really hard to avoid pink. Now that the little one is almost 2, she chooses pink over other colors. Oh well, we tried. I love pink and grey and pink and black combinations!

Tanis said...

love it love it love it!!!

veronica said...

i have always loved pink, but have never had a room that was pink. my fav color as a kid blue! and growing up, my room was blue and lavender(so that is girly) but they weren't in my room at the same time! ;)

loribeth said...

Love these prints! I have twin girls and love to dress them in non-pink colors.

Tanya said...

OH I definitely am not afraid of Pink! I am a mom of 2 girls expecting my 3rd and I love all of it!! <3

Kim Bates said...

I've never really liked pink but this combos is really appealing! The gray really makes the pink look grown-up!

Boody Babies said...

That group is ADORABLE!!! I can see several things in my daughter's future from that collection.
boodybabies [at] comcast [dot] net

Sarah @ FairyFace Designs said...

I *despised* pink until I was expecting my daughter when I fell in love with all things pink (before I knew what gender she was!) The love affair continues :-) I do love how the coral and charcoal greys balance the pink in these fabrics, hey are gorgeous.

Jovanna said...

Interesting, I never would of thought pink & grey, I like the fabric combinations. I would love to see the light grey with the trees as just a tone on tone print, or the stripes or the dots. I like vibrant, so if I ever have a girl, I'd probably choose fuschia. :-) My mom did an adorable quilt for my niece, it was bubblegum pink, black & white.

Simply Sara said...

Love these prints!!!

Great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

i say that there must be a reason that "girl colors" are pinks and purples and "boy colors" are blues and greens. kids should be free to pick their own colors when they're old enough to have a preference, but i see nothing wrong with giving a girl pink! but i love the recent trend to pair the traditionally girly pink with the more modern browns and greys!

Amy Gibson said...

I think you hit the nail on the head- it's all about options, and there's nothing wrong with pink for girls...or green, or blue, or orange. Colors give our world life!

K@ren said...

Gorgeous. My little girl said she'd love a fun 'surfer girl' kind of print! Oranges, teals, lemon, lime, red, crisp white, and beachy fun. Have you considered a line like that? Fresh, bold and girly without being TOO traditional?? Thanks for the chance to win this!!


Precious Monkeys said...

I was not ever a pink girl, so when I had my daughter I tried to find things for her in anything but Pink, now that she is older and starting to have an opinion of her own...Her favorite color is PINK! These fabrics are an awesome compromise for both of us!! Love the color combos!

MD said...

I love this combo together! Perfecto!

christina said...

so cute!!!

WandaFish said...

My little girl's favourite dress for a long time was a blue one. She now declares her fave colur to be purple but does regularly seem to be drawn to pink!
This fabric line is gorgeous and would be loved by all the girls I know :)
Thanks for the giveaway.

Stephanie said...

LOVE the color combos! My girls are all over the place, I have one who adores all things yellow, another freaks out about pink and the third just can't seem to get enough purple. Great giveaway! :)

Amy said...

It is a Girl Thing!

Soraia Melo said...

wow, loved the combination and continuous girly :)
I would love to win this time :)

TiffanyJ said...

a little change never hurt anyone! :)

Erin said...

Love the colors!! Love the prints!!

Kaylene said...

I love these colors! When I was first pregnant with my daughter I was totally against pink, by my ninth month her entire room was covered in pink!

Emily. said...

Pink is ok, but there are so many FABULOUS colors out there to choose from! These fabrics are great.


Tanya said...

pink and bikes combined...wonderful!

Michele said... this color palette.

Sew Lovins said...

Oh I LOVE these colors together. LOve lovelove Thanks!

Christina said...

Perfect for back to school... whatevers! Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Love these! Not too girly, but still sweet. I can think of all sorts of sweet dresses and skirts...

Brianna said...

Love this line. Bought the boys color in flannel a few weeks back! Gotta get my machine out to do something w/ them now! Hopeing to win!

Carol Wright said...

5th granddaughter coming in November. The name of this line caught my eye and I had to check it out. Love, love, love it!

Robin said...

I have 2 Girlie Girls that would love these prints.

Me and You (Andrea and Mark) said...

I think these colors are fantastic and a much more modern look than the traditional pink.
These prints are great and I would love to create something with all of them.

Tabitha O. said...

These would even work for pieces of 'this girl's' wardrobe! Love the combos! momtasticstitchery at gmail

SherryB said...

I do know what you're saying about stereotyping colors for boys/girls,BUT have you ever met a small child and wondered if they were a boy or girl because of their short hair, etc.? My only saving grace is if they are wearing pink...but sometimes girls wear blue too! Love the polka dots, stripes & animals--so darn c.u.t.e.!

Ginger said...

I think pink and grey are a lovely combination.

ginger c at gmail dot com

HARK said...

I love the fabrics. Will have to bookmark if the bump turns out to be a girl.

Greta said...

I love the mixture with pink and grey! It really does make it look not so childish but a bit more lady like! Thank you so much for adding that to your colorway too! My girls both LOVE pink and have even fought over things because of the color pink. I love the bicycle print and when I have looked at it my girls piped up in the background that it is "just too cool!" Thank you for a chance to win!

Cory said...

I happen to love the traditional colors for babies. When the kids get a little older, they start to gravitate to favorites. Thank you for the chance to win these beautiful traditional girl colors. Take care and God bless, Cory

Unknown said...

I've kind of always had a thing for gray - it's so much more pleasant than the stark black and what could be more feminine than pairing it with pink and coral shades! This bundle would make a gorgeous quilt or a fun, funky shoulder bag!

all you need is love said...

so freaking cute!!!! i love it and i am more green for girls

It's A Wonderful said...

Adding coral with the pink and gray is fabulous!

Denise said...

I love the way the pink, coral, black and gray go together. That mix really works. Had only grandsons and now have a little granddaughter. Love to work with pink.

Jen B said...

No girls here, except me. But I've got a lot of friends with girls. What I like about this collection is that it's feminine without being over the top.

Missus Vonkysmeed said...

Oh my! I love those patterns! Especially the bicycle one, it makes me feel all warm and happy. :)

Shanley said...

Girls wearing pink is actually a relatively new thing -

A Little Of A Lot said...

Oh how cute. The jungle themed print would win my daughters heart over. I'm getting ready to move her to a nice big room (So I can have her room for a sewing studio :) ) and she's chosen pink, grey, black and white as her color scheme, these fabrics would be awesome, thanks for the chance to win.
Congrats to Thea, !!

tamdoll said...

I don't think my girls ever wore much that was all pink, or ruffly, it never seemed to work for them ... pink and black were great, it was "girly" but not over the top. These fabrics are so nice!

Shannon said...

Love, love this color way. I have done a little boys quilt with the blue, gray combo's. I think I like the girly prints better.

Zook Family Blog said...

"Pink, Pink, Pink," cried Pinkalicious (one of my daughter's favorite storybook characters).

Bec Clarke said...

I am so in love with the Pink & Grey combo right now. Just perfect.
I have a 2yo girl and I love putting her in pink but I usually throw a splash of something else in there, the other day we did a Pink & Red combo and it was quite stunning.

karen serna said...

LOVE these colors! :)

Michelle said...

Love pink and gray and this combo is great! Prints are great too! Thanks for the giveaway.

Tina in Boston said...

I have been loving grey for awhile. I was so glad when it became the rage. Love pink and grey together!!

Jari said...

I love the pink! Oh wait, I love the gray! My head is spinning with ideas!

Pippa said...

Love this colour combination; it's very sophisticated. My mother loved her girls in pink, especially me. As I grew up, mom would tone the pink down with other colours. I remember having a grey coat with black buttons, like many kids did. Only my mom bought pink accessories to complete the outfit. As a result, I have always put white and pink with grey.

Love your giveaways!

Erin said...

I love the animal print! I know exactly what I'd do with it!

BarbaraG said...

I love putting coral and pink together - they look so fresh and my grand daughter looks spectacular in them. Adding the greys is luscious!

RinaA said...

Before my daughter was born, a friend told me "don't let her be all into glitter and pink and princesses". To this I said: I had a boy first, and after blue and green and trucks and sticks and stones, I'm entitled to some pink and pony tails and barbie dolls. Also, what makes you think that I will have any control over her girly tendencies?

Pétra said...

My daughter just turned 7 and while I have always had pink in her room it wasn't the focus color. Her walls are yellow, her bed is green,her carpet is aqua what did she say to me today?! "I want to paint my room" "what color would you like?" "PINK!" I think it's an instinct that comes! I loved that colorway and fabric line when I saw the pictures from market, the grey and pink together are perfect!

AFwifey said...

I love this grouping. It is perfection! I am going to decorate with these beautiful fabrics!!!

Hanging by a Thread said...

Love(!) the grey mixed with's a nice change from brown (Which I happen to be a big fan of as well). My little one would be in heaven...I have yet to get her out of the "pink" phase in over 7 years...

Beth said...

While I am uncomfortable with gravitating to stereotypical boy or girl colors, when I make baby quilts I always consider whether a dad will think my color choices are "too girly" or a mom will think I didn't make something especially for her daughter because the quilt is too blue. I do think there is more room to add "baby blue" to girls's quilts than to use soft colors for baby boys.

Thanks for the chance to enter.

Stephanie said...

This is just adorable! My daughter's bedroom is done in pink and brown...after seeing these she just asked if we could change it to pink and gray! lol

Bianca said...

Pink is not so my color... but these ... I LIKE!

tdehof said...

I likie! I likie!! Beautiful pink!

Unknown said...

My daughter loves all things pink! I have to say it is growing on me after 9 years :) The combinations in these prints will look beautiful in a quilt for her, and doesn't seem too pink so will she will get lots of use out of it in later years...

Stacey said...

Traditionally pink was for boysand blue for girls! I like these : )

Gretchen said...

I don't have much pink at home (2 sons and a husband) but I love these fabrics - inspires me to sew for my 6 nieces!

Lee Ann L. said...

Wow! I'm loving the animal print fabric!

I found you through a e-newsletter (from and I'm so glad I did! I've added you to my Google Reader. :-)

Thank you for a chance to win!

Alicia said...

Love the idea of pink and gray! And the bicycles are too cute!

Anonymous said...

I love these fabrics - what fun!

kathy said...

Oh yea, baby....I'm about to become a Grammie so this is right up my alley. Thank you, Michael Miller. Kathy

Jill said...

Love pink, gray and black combos!!

NorthernMom said...

Love the colour combo! Plus I`ve got three girls :)

Debi said...

These fabrics are beautiful, I am loving the gray.

Barbara said...

Pink and gray were vry popular in the mid-late 50s. I loved it then, and I love it now. Girls and boys should wear, decorate their environment, buy, and love any color that makes them feel good. Pink makes me feel good, and happy, and I get more compliments when I wear it than I do with any other color! Horray for pink!

Anonymous said...

Finally! Someone will use darker tones with the pink to make it POP! :) I'm having so much fun making things with these fabrics for my grandchild. She's a 'farm girl' but likes her pink!

BizzyMom said...

I love anything girly.. the pink looks awesome in your fabric designs!!

Charlene said...

Simply GORGEOUS! The collection is just beautiful! What a beautiful nursery these fabrics would create.

Kristy said...

I love the pinks and grays together!

thedomesticwife said...

Well, having 3 girls myself, I'd say pink is definitely over done, but I do love the coral added. For my last daughter I used pink black and grey, I came close! :-)

Mom said...

I love boys/men in pink too. My son-in-law loves his pink golfing shirt and shoes and he looks very handsome. Pink/Grey/Black and white is lovely! Thanks

Rainbowtized said...

these colors are just perfect. I didn't love pink when I was a young girl, but I've grown to appreciate it. Those animals are just precious!

Sincerely Sara said...

Love love love this! I keep thinking of all the precious things I can make for little ones with these!

Blyss said...

I love it! I am definitely a pink girl but it doesn't mean I always want the same thing. I love having variety and choices! This is a lovely combination!

Unknown said...

I love the color combination! I have grown to be more of a pink lover, but this is EXACTLY my taste!

Sheryl said...

I am in love.... The colors are wonderful combination... I am thinking of all the wonderful items I can make...

JusticeBlog said...

I love this line! Thanks for taking a fun and fresh spin on the typical pink/girl colors!

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful! Love it!

evasmommy said...

I love the grey that is in all of the fabric lately. It adds a fun new twist.

cnelo said...

i love this combo!!!
my daughter is in love for pink and purple (and hello kitty !)...she's 4 and i can't change her mind!
when she was a baby, her clothes were oarange, yellow, green, pink, brown...her room was fisrt paint in orange and green...we changed in february for pink and purple!!..sometimes its difficult to chose another color !!...i made a dress for ma baby doll...with flowers by MMiller!! (with pink of course!)
but this combo is lovely lovely lovely!!
(excuse me for my English, I'm French ;) )

Patty said...

Very pretty. I never actually cared for pink myself until I had two girls. color grows on you.

Chaya said...

This color combo looks great and can be used for much more than baby stuff!
I love it and really like this project of yours :-)

Patient Petunia said...

these are fabulous!

Heather Aguilar said...

I have 3 boys and 1 girl. When my daughter was only a year old she started pick out things that were pink and purple. I was shocked. I'm not "girly" and she has 3 brothers around her!

Tallulah said...

I'd never thought much about the issue until I had a daughter who is very feminine and loves pink, despite the fact that I've always been a tomboy myself. I've been thinking of making her a quilt for some time now, but can't get myself to work with "pinky-pink" fabrics; your combination looks wonderful and I'm sure it would look fabulous on her "big girl" bed!

kce98 said...

I did my baby girl's room in blue...just to fight all the pink everyone else started buying. I'm not a huge pink fan, but I LOVE it with the grey and black. It's so modern as opposed to frilly. I love it, and I know my little princess diva would, too.

jednoiglec said...

This line is perfect for little girls dresses - not too sweat, but very girly.

kce98 said...

I did my baby girl's room in blue...just to fight all the pink everyone else started buying. I'm not a huge pink fan, but I LOVE it with the grey and black. It's so modern as opposed to frilly. I love it, and I know my little princess diva would, too.

terrieannie said...

I've loved every color combination in this particular fabric line, but I do favor this "grown UP" color combo. I wasn't a pink person when young... lavendar, lilac, periwinkle, etc.... were my colors, but I'm loving pinks more with each decade!

Cora Buehler said...

I love these colors -all my favs all together-it is awesome! Thank you!!

Jessie said...

OH my gosh those are SO very cute,
I would love to make a quilt out of them

Anonymous said...

The fabrics are gorgeous. My husband's niece loves pink & these would make a great quilt for her. My niece's stepdaughter decorated her room in blue and brown, but she's a girly girl too, just not in the traditional "think pink" fashion. Thanks for the giveaway.

Megan said...

Sugar and Spice, and everything thing nice! That's what this collection is made of!

I love non-traditional girly prints (bikes, animals) with traditionally girly colors. And I love the pink/gray. I'm so tried of brown.

Julia said...

As a mom of 4 girls and an avid sewer my mind is spinning with ideas. There are so many little skirts, peasant dresses, bags, and purses that I could sew with gorgeous fabric. My two oldest girls are oooohing and awwwwwing over my shoulder. They love the pink and greys. Pick me! Pick me!:)

MichelleN said...

My girls love all colors and I never hesitate to let them pick their favorites. That said, pink and purple and all the variations are their usual favs. SO, so fun!

The Wyler Family said...

i just had my 2nd baby girl and i would LOVE this fabric so i can get started creating stuff for her room!

organicmommy said...

This fabric is awesome! It's not all too young for my older girl but still good for littles too!

Mama Nirvana said...

Can't wait to give these to my sister if I win! Gorgeous prints!

Melinda said...

We have all of our adult lives to wear more sophisticated colors. I totally embrace pink for little girls because you can't really get away with a head to toe pink ensemble when you are middle aged! But it is such a lovely color! I love gray and Michael Miller has the best gray fabrics out there!

dbdellar said...

I don't like to pigeonhole my daughter to pink, either, but she does tend to gravitate towards it. Probably all the princess merchandise, etc, but we've been trying other colors and she's become less enthralled with "ALL" pink and more interested in mixing it up. I love the corals, greys, etc as a substitute for pure pink. It's refreshing!

Anonymous said...

The perfect color combinations............I love them. Would sew love to make my grandaughter's nursery out of this print.

Lonnijo said...

I sew want to make my grandaughters nursery out of these prints. They are the perfect combination, I can hardly wait to have them in my possession.

Evelyn said...

My daughter loves pink so much, it makes me cringe! She's finally started to branch out into red and orange, and sometimes black! Maybe there's hope yet. :-) I love the combination you have here, and I think she would too. Thanks for the chance to win some!

adamanderin said...

These fabrics are gorgeous! I can already picture many projects for my daughter!

Unknown said...

LOVE these prints/colors! It's such a fresh twist on classic pink!

Aubri said...

Love love love. These colors are darling together! Beautiful fabric!

My Three Boys said...

I must say after 4 awesome little boys. Pink was not much of a option except for myself. Now I am having a little girl. I never realized how much happiness this little girl whom will be dressed in pink head to toe makes me. So here I am firmly on my way to the pigeon hole.

cameron said...

i'd love to get your fabrics. i have 4 daughters that i can make many things for. thanks!

sewsue said...

Love this combo! I have always loved coral pink and grey!

*S* said...

Gorgeous fabrics! I love the pink and grey color combination.

Elena said...

Fabulous marriage of colors. They are classy and sophisticated. I also love the various patterns you have chosen. I have lots of blacks and grays in my house. One of our bathrooms are black, gray and coral. I think the colors are just so elegant. I get compliments from friends all the time. I'm going to have to purchase the stripes, the elephant and one of the dots.

lsaver28 said...

There are two many things to list here what I could do with this awesome fabric

Wendy and Lee said...

I'm expecting my first grandchild and I'm really excited to see you've got pinks that aren't so 'basic'. I'll be making the crib bedding and blankets and clothes for our new arrival and I haven't found much out there that wasn't just plain pink. I LOVE pink with options! Thanks a bunch and I can't wait to see the blues!
Wendy Thompson

SewSuzie said...

I have never been a pink girl myself but i do like it as an accent. As such, the addition of coral and grey does enliven the pale tones and it becomes a more sophisticated palate.

Rachelle said...

I used to hate pink, but I find that I'm growing into it as I get older. Now, if it's the right pink I love it!

Karen said...

With 3 little girls running around our house, pink is a MUST! Love the pink and gray. Great prints!

Klemm Family said...

One of the reasons I didn't want to find out the sex of our baby is because I didn't want ALL pink or ALL sports/blue. But now that he's here I find myself wanting all the real boy-ish stuff :) I mainly have boy colors in my stash so these would be great to have!

babiesdoc said...

Girls Rule!

Christie said...

Gray and pink has been one of my favorite color combos since I was a little girl. Love this!!

Anonymous said...

I really like adding the grey, it's still girly but it helps to tone things down a bit!

erin said...

Great colors! I love the animal print, especially the pink hippos.

Marlene said...

I love love love this! Thanks for the chance.

Renae in AK said...

I just had a little girl 7 months ago & got my very 1st sewing machine for my birthday last week. This is the fun age where she's smiling & cooing & crawling everywhere. I'd love to be able to make her some adorable outfits, but I've been looking for inspiration. I think I found it in these prints!!

Wendy P said...

I love these prints and the colors! So true about kids and colors. My grandson is two and so far his favorite colors have changed from yellow to orange to green to blue.

I am hoarding girl prints in hopes that I someday have a granddaughter! These would be great!

Bonnie Colleen said...

This is yet again another magical collection that is 10 times better than the pink and chocolate thing.

Esther said...

"What comes around"...You know the saying. Pink & Grey is a combination I have always liked very much. Even as a kid, in 1976, my first skirt sewing project was a beautiful stipped fabric in theses colours, a nice dusty pink and kind of a mouse grey. To this day, I remember it so well. I hope I win!

Jeannie said...

Beautiful! A quilt made from these beautiful materials would be simply delightful!

Amy Mendoza said...

I love this fabric! Michael Miller fabric is the best fabric to work with...washes up so nicely, easy to sew. The fun patterns always add to an outfit.

♥Duff said...

hey, I like pink! I like that not everything is gender-neutral!

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