I don't think we'll ever tire of "retro" inspiration.
Show someone a toy, a book, anything from their childhood
and a smile spreads across their face.
That's why we couldn't resist these
vintage picnic fabrics

and a smile spreads across their face.
That's why we couldn't resist these
vintage picnic fabrics

Of course retro is different to everyone
and everyone's got a favorite era;
and everyone's got a favorite era;
40's? 50s? 60s? 70's? 80's?
please don't say 90's yet
and everything has a comeback.
Mom jeans are back
7 for all mankind/ citizens of humanity / photos courtesy of Goldsign
James Jeans/ Diesel/ photos courtesy of J Brand
But there's a saying when it comes to retro fashion:
If you wore it once, don't do it again.
the logic of the past was:
high waistband and bell bottom flare
Made your legs look
did I mention we wore them extra long covering those platform shoes?
but when we carried it over
from high school and college
did I mention we wore them extra long covering those platform shoes?
but when we carried it over
from high school and college
to our child rearing years..
this happened
I think the lesson is :
don't get stuck in a trend
so have a cool one
and share your thoughts on Mom jeans
and share your thoughts on Mom jeans
winner to be announced next Wed.
(and don't pick on mom-to-be Jessica Simpson )
I had to laugh when I saw the video. I actually prefer mom jeans to the low cuts available now. I can't imagine why anyone thinks the heavy muffin top look is preferable to wearing a high-waisted jean that keeps is tucked away.
Those picnic fabrics are darling! I love the retro (50's, 60's) styles even though they're not the fashions from my childhood :) Um, mom jeans are not at ALL flattering on me (I'm short-waisted) so I'm not at risk of adopting that trend.
Love the prints, especially the plaid! I'm certainly old enough for Mom jeans, but I don't think those shown were very flattering! I'd think I was advertising my age! I don't try to look 20 something, but there are more comfortable, yet fashionable alternatives!
Unfortunately in Canada, we can't watch Hulu vids, so can't view the ones you've posted. I actually like pants that go to my waist - at least they stay up! I'm constantly pulling up my low rise jeans. Guess that's just a testament to my egg shaped torso. Ha.
When I was in college all our moms wore those polyester pants with the seam in the front. We called them "Nan-Jans" after two of our moms.
high waist:
emphasis on the size of your waist, which in comparison to your bust and hips, will look much smaller.
longer silhouette, giving the illusion of a longer leg.
the shape of that silhouette will be "wasp" or "hourglass" giving you curves
rarely a "muffin top"
large butt unless you camouflage it properly
panty lines unless you wear the proper panty
flat tummy is a must, any bloating will be noticed
low waist:
your butt will look much smaller.
no need to be careful of panty lines.
emphasis on hips will appear larger then they really are because the fabric line goes across the widest part of your body.
the silhouette of low rise jeans gives a shorter leg and a boxy torso.
"plummer's crack" and "opening waist" can be problematic.
unless you're model thin, muffin top is at 98%.
the debate goes on!
I have to say that although they are out of style and i dont wear mom jeans now, they sure were more comfortable around the waist when you sat down. The lower-cut ones today seem to cut me in half if I am lucky enough to find some that don't GAPE open at the back waistband.
It always takes me until the trend has passed before I think it's cute. But I can definitely appreciate those cute retro prints. LOVE!
I actually like the "Not your daughters jeans" except for the fact that my daughters often make off with them, also the NO MUFFIN TOP is huge in this day and age. As for the retro prints; talk about take you back to Gramma's kitchen, I would hang these all over my kitchen just to reminisce those wonderful days and have the best coordinated kitchen in town!
love those fabrics, just gorgeous! I love anything from the 60's....even though it was before my time
Ugh, I do not like mom jeans. The high waist does not hit my waist, it hits my ribs, and they are super uncomfortable. I also don't like the unnecessarily low waist of the last few years! And slightly boot cut is my favorite cut - not super skinny but not 1970's flares either. All the argyle and neon that's out now seems like an 80's time warp! Now, 1940's picnic fabrics, those I love!
I have been waiting for higher waisted jeans to make a comeback. I loved my jordache jeans all through the 80s and 90s, and even made a few pair for myself recently because I couldn't find them anywhere. Just sick of seeing muffin tops and butt cracks everywhere, figured I don't want to be the one showing everyone else!
The fabrics are absolutely gorgeous and would make awesome aprons or Rockabilly pinup dresses!!!!
I can't view the video here in the UK but I've never been a huge fan of jeans and especially not since I became a mum!
I'm all for comfort and prefer jersey trousers in winter and linen ones in summer - but if I ever get my figure back maybe I'd try jeans again :)
I am definitely a fan of your vintage picnic prints - thanks for the giveaway!
I've never seen mom jeans before, I like the look of the flares though with nice pair of heels... hmm :)
love the strawberry fabric too, it brightened up my day as they are my favourite fruits :)
Much love for the fabrics of yesterday...the jeans...not so sure. They look great, but they all look great on the models. I'm not sure they work for normal folks.
I found out mom jeans were back when I went to find a new pair before the holidays. Not my favorite, but like another reader said, they DO hold in that tummy!
Love, love, love this fabric! Reminds me of Sunday picnics wiht my family; the prints are so happy. Thanks for the opportunity!
Now that i'm old, I love the mom jeans - they cover up the saggy parts and don't create a muffin. I'm wishing I still had some of my 70s jeans so I could put patches on with these DARLING retro fabrics!!!!! SOOOOOOO cute!
I like mom jeans and retro prints! I love 40s and 50s mainly. I think wearing whatever suits your shape and style is better than being fashionable and uncomfortable!
Love the collage picture at the top. Pat's Bicycle's was on Main Street in Downtown Mesa, AZ, my hometown. I bought my first Schwinn 10-speed there when I was about 11 years old.
As for Mom jeans....I'm ok with the flared legs -- boot cut is my favorite cut of pant. However, I like my jeans to fall between the natural waist and hips. I will probablly roll over and croak if the pleated jeans come back in. Those didn't do anyone any favors at all!
As ever your fabrics are exceptional!
I like the higher waist on mom jeans. I hate jeans that are too low! They are not flattering unless you have a super flat tummy, and not many moms have that! But I don't like the huge flare leg, I prefer something skinnier at the bottom.
Love the mom jeans, hate low waist ones... I'm not so much muffin top as mushroom...
ALWAYS loving the retro!! (and you do it so well...) 30's to 50's would be my fave.
love that fabric! What they did to Jessica Simpson was truly horrible!!!
those fabric are so sweat i really like them, the mom jeans aren't really my thing though.
love the vintage fabrics! SO into retro prints right now!..as for jeans ..I hate all jeans, I think they are binding and uncomfortable and I don't know why everyone loves them lol Yoga pants all the way ;)
I have always known that i was born in the wrong era!
But i am also glad my mom kept a lot of cloths from here youth in the attic, so know i can wear them.
And she always sais: Everything is coming back".
I love the olddays
Now that I am a momma, I prefer Mom Jeans. I can't stand the thought of my crack showing while I'm sitting on the floor playing with my son. Team Mom Jeans!
I would die! If I got the fabric, and if the 90's became retro.
First, I love love love the vintage fabrics.
Second, as a new mom, I am happy to get into any pair of jeans that do not come with a stretchy band around the waist!
Love the fabric (think I have an old tablecloth which matches one piece perfectly) and all things retro! Now about those jeans, I'd just like to find a pair comfortable enough to keep on all day - whether they're from the '70's or yesterday!
I think "Mom Jeans" are more right below the bra ;) I'm a fan of high waste jeans for my body.
Those prints are lovely.
I'm tired of seeing people's underwear or the tops of their bottoms, so I'd welcome higher cut jeans! :) Cute picnic fabric!
I couldn't view the video's, but I'm assuming Mom jeans (or Mum jeans in Australia) are the high waisted "put your baby belly in them' look? I'm really short waisted so these jeans look horrendous on me, but I hate all the issues with low rise jeans too. Vanity wins out though. But my favourite 'retro' era is the 70's, being raised in the 70's has given me a love of this!
Love this fabric! Mom jeans...not so much!
The photos of new trend mom jeans probably look good on models with long legs, but I wouldn't wear it as it is. Instead, I'll alter and turn it into something more flattering like a denim skirt. Perhaps with a combination of these lovely retro prints if I win them.
I love Mom jeans! They cover up your muffin top and my mom undies stay inside my jeans.
Mom jeans? I did that once (before I was a mom!), but don't need to do it again, thanks. The new fabrics are GORGEOUS--thanks for the chance to win!
That is my favorite SNL skit! Props to the ladies who can pull off the updated Mom jean. I will stick tiny comfy jeggings! Love the retro fabric!
LOVE those vintage fabrics!! I just had baby #2 5 months ago so I need jeans with a higher waist to hide the poufy belly. I'm tall though, so high waist jeans aren't really that high on me!
I was just thinking about mom jeans, and how they must be incredibly comfortable. Too bad they are so, um, stylishly challenged!
I am totally loving the retro look right now, so much fun!
I couldn't see the video, one of the problems with not living in the US I guess. However I'm guessing that Mom jeans are high waisted with the bell bottoms. I love high waisted (tummy button height), not keen on bell bottoms though; prefer boot-cut. It's hard finding high waisted jeans here though that don't gap at the back of the waist; I find I can either fit a mac truck down the back, or if I go low waisted then there's the leftover tummy bulging out the top.
Cute, cute fabrics! I love those 50's prints.
I like boot-cut jeans and I tend to wear pants that fall just under my natural waistline. I wish more people would -- I don't like seeing plumber's cleavage, and really low pants certainly don't flatter a woman's backside. I'm afraid I'm not very fashionable. I wear what's comfortable and what flatters my figure, whether it's in style or not!
i really like the flare pants over heels--I think it's cute and having short legs, yes, my legs look longer!
But, mom jeans have a high waist and a more tapered bottom. I think of it as those jeans where someone uses a belt but has no waistline to speak of because after childbirth--goodbye hourglass! Or worse yet, ELASTIC waistband. SHUDDER!
thanks for the giveaway! I'd much rather have a vintage twirl skirt than jeans any day!
I think Mom jeans can look ok, just depends on the person. I personally do not like the ultra low jeans, so anything higher is good with me.
ginger c at gmail dot com
Ha, ha...I wore plaid bell-bottomed, hip-hugger jeans in high school. Then moved on to those fabulous mom-jeans.
Great vintagey fabrics, so sweet and darling! Not at all like mom-jeans!
I remember purple flared cord jeans and denim with stars embroidered on the wide flare - both high waisted. They should stay in the past only supermodel bodies get away with them. Give me a nice skirt any day.
The ones in the photos you posted are actually cute. Less so in the video. I do like the flared bottoms, but I don't prefer a high waist.
Moms jeans, very Classy! Everyone I see wearing low rise is either pulling them up or showing more than I care to see. If you keep it long enough, it will come back in style. Love retro!
As a nearly 70 year old I vote for Mom jeans, but not like those in the video. True Mom jeans have no fly or button; they have an elastic waist that fits our totally changed bodies, lifestyles, and our needs better. I can buy petites now that I have shrunk in height so being short or short-waisted is no excuse. Diuretics mean needing to move things fast. I am a real woman who gave birth three times and my body shows it. I have a butt, and a real waist, and a belly, too, full of stretch marks that I'm not ashamed of. I am an older woman who is shrinking due to osteoporosis and whose spine is weakening, and whose hands show the wear and tear of arthritis, and they have trouble with jeans buttons and zippers. I choose Mom jeans or shorts because they look and feel better than too-short skirts. Muffin tops make me gag and laugh out loud. Where's the pretty in that? I used to wear skinny jeans, and bell-bottoms, and then I gave up jeans for a long time for pretty tailored slacks, but in retirement, I wear Mom jeans, and I'm comfortable with them and with myself. So is my husband!
I have stopped wearing clothes that look bad on me in the name of fashion! so i guess i wear mom jeans. seriously though, do they really think the muffin top looks attractive?? and try convincing 20 somethings that people they are making food for don't want to see their whaletail. (I keep an extra large tshirt that comes down to their knees and if i see their underwear in any way they have to wear it for the rest of their shift! a few times wearing the "shirt of shame" and they start dressing appropriately)
the fabrics on the other hand are beautiful!!! i love them.
Um...I wear mom jeans because they are comfortable. I am curvy, and low waist jeans show off too much of the stuff I want to keep hidden. Heehee!
But I loooooooove the vintage fabrics!
I hate everything that was in fashion when I was a teenager (60's.) This means peace signs, huge bell bottoms, sweat bands, love beads, etc. Ugh. HORRORS!
Love, love, love the new prints. Makes me want to have a picnic.
I am to young to have worn "MOM" jeans but it is always interesting to see what fashion designers try to bring back. I totally love the vintage fabric!!!
Noooo! Stay away from the mom jeans!! Well, the kind with pleats, at least!
I love those fabrics. So fresh.
The prints are so summery! Love them! And the retro prints totally rock! It's classic!!!
Like a waist high enough so there's no plumber crack, but not so high that it appears your bum reaches your ribs. Love those gorgeous fabrics!
Love your retro interpretation. Am looking forward to making a picnic quilt for my brother's family with this print. Thanks for the giveaway.
~Jillian in North Dakota
I adore those picnic fabrics. They are wonderfull. I love the '60's.
a high mom waist will always be better than low riders!
Oh, mom jeans! Actually, while out shopping last week & saw a younger girl (about 22 or so) wearing a pair of high waist jeans. They actually looked amazing on her! If I could knock off the last of my baby weight, I'd buy me a pair asap. I don't think people realize how droopy low riding jeans make their booties look...the low placed pockets and such are no good. Don't even get me started on skinny jeans for men....yikes!
Our internet connection is too slow to watch the video, but from the comments it sounds like I'm missing something quite funny.
I have to say, I am tired of hearing people make fun of women wearing Mom jeans. It usually sounds to me like just another way of criticizing women's bodies. But since this is such a friendly group, I don't hear that here--I'd choose to hang out with quilters any day.
Wonderful giveaway--those fabrics remind me of my grandma's kitchen.
lol I remember seeing this on SNL and cracking up! My dorky supervisor actually wears some - yuck and every time I see her in them I laugh! I think she thinks she looks good. it's sad. thanks for the chance to win these awesome fabrics!
Oh I wore mom jeans:) I am short so I felt "tall" in my up to my chest and dragging on the floor jeans:) LOVE the fabric, thanks for the give away!!!
The 'Mom Jeans' I grew up around were high waisted tapered leg jeans! Talk about unfaltering. I would say any woman would look better naked then she would wearing 'Mom Jeans' Bless their hearts!
I did not grow up with mom jeans but I have a mom that wears mom jeans...the high waisted NO flare ones...BAD BAD BAD. I am a mom too but I LOVE mom jeans because I have such high hips that it helps with the plumbers crack...and I am no bigger than a size 4/5 so that probably helps (with NO butt).
Awesome fabric. Mom jeans not so bad, but I still like them a little lower.
I love my mom jeans...the lower cut ones my belly hangs over...not a pretty site. Retro is wonderful!
These fabrics are inspiring a whole new kitchen vision-so summery and sweet. As for Mom jeans; they can be flattering-on a slim figure only!
I must make a picnic quilt from these lovely fabrics. Thank you for the opportunity!
I think if you look goo then wear them. I cannot wear them to save my life! I'd look like the SNL ladies!
Hoorah for Mum jeans!
I love these fabrics you have posted.
Happy Everyday x
These are great fabrics - I have a weakness for coca-cola and the old vibrant enamel signs for gasoline, etc. Thanks for the giveaway.
My direction for jeans is what is comfortable for me. Still, I do not like to see other people's rolls of fat nor do I like to display mine. Oh my! I'm my mother! LOL
I'm a mom and i hate those "mom jeans"
MMmm.. nope I don't have mom jeans. If I wear them my butt looks as big as Texas...
Love, love LOVe the fabrics!!
sLove the fabrics.
I am committed to not wearing mom jeans now that I'm a mom.
Mom jeans... foreign concept to me. My mom always wore sweatpants.
I received the package today with the most beautiful retro fabric. I am not sure what I will do with it. It is so pretty, I may figure out a way to display the fabric in my home. It's beautiful to look at with the red and white ribbon tied around it. It will be so much fun telling my family and friends that I won it!!
As you all know, there is not a better quality of fabric on the market and they have the most beautiful prints ever!!
Thank You,
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