Thursday, August 4, 2016

Throw Back Thursday

 Today is the start of our Throwback Thursday Series
at Michael Miller Fabrics!   
Through the years we have been known for having awesome retro prints.  
I am sure many of you remember them, but did you know that they are still available to purchase and in stock?  
Are you ready for a Blast from the Past?  We begin our journey down memory lane with our Retro Kitchen designs.  
Do you remember these?
CX1595 - 50's KITCHEN

All things reminiscent of a 1950's kitchen.....
perfect for kitchen curtains.

Did someone say banana split??  YUMMMMMM!!! 

CX0939 - HOME EC

The ladies are all dressed up to do the baking and waiting for their husbands to come home :).  

Since we are doing a blast from the past post, I couldn't resist posting this picture of Kathy Miller from 2002!  It was taken at International Quilt Market 14 years ago and she hasn't changed a bit! 

Do these designs bring back any memories for you?  Tell us about your memory in the comments section for a chance to win a yard of Home Ec!
And the winner is...

Teresa Stanulis said...
This brings back memories of my mom's kitchen with a bread box, aluminum tins for staples, a pink refrigerator, and linoleum tile floors! Happy times!

Congratulations, Teresa!!

Stay tuned for tomorrow's TBT!


scottylover said...

I remember dish towels at my grandmother's with similar designs as well as a pair of curtains over her kitchen window. They sure are cute! Thanks for the "throwback"!

Sandy A

Jen detemple said...

It reminds me of my grandmother and all of her delicious food she used to make

Jen detemple said...

It reminds me of my grandmother and all of her baked goods she used to make

Paola said...

So cute! I wish they still taught home economics

Katherine2282 said...

It reminds me of helping my mom bake bread when I was a little girl. I had to stand on a step stool. She would "bop" me on the nose with the dough before putting it I in the pan . Still makes me smile to think about that.

Unknown said...

Cute! I've got an old 50s kitchen curtain in the retro kitchen design - love it

mumbird3 said...

Reminds me of my Home Economics classes - they used to pass around pamplets with ladies who looked just like that!!!

LauraDot said...

The prints remind me of the vintage tablecloths that I am always on the lookout for. I grew up with that look and can't get enough.

Teresa S. said...

This brings back memories of my mom's kitchen with a bread box, aluminum tins for staples, a pink refrigerator, and linoleum tile floors! Happy times!

D'Net said...

Those are adorable! Reminds me of the Dick and Jane books I loved to read when I was a kid.

Janie said...

It reminds me of aprons. Love it!

Unknown said...

The 50's kitchen is EXACTLY what my Grandma's kitchen was like when I was a little girl!

Mel said...

These prints remind me of simpler days. Days with less technology but more connection. Of my grandmas kitchen...baking together and sharing homemade goodness together with family and friends. Miss those days!