The concept of getting to connect "faces" with the bloggers in our industry was great fun. Lucky for me everyone else turned up with camera in hand (but of course, that's what bloggers do) and took plenty of pictures.
But the real reason I'm writing about this is an article I just read in the Wall Street Journal, Social Networking in the Digital Age It brings up an interesting point; blogging doesn't replace human interaction it actually encourages it. I'll be interested to hear what all of you kindred spirits out there in blog land think of it.
Then check out the list of speakers at The D Conference; all things digital
I'd love to be one of the lucky 600 people in the audience!
p.s. I know I glossed over quilt market, don't get the wrong idea. I'll be covering lot's of cool stuff from the show in upcoming posts!
I think there is merit in saying blogging encourages human interaction. I would even add the on-line groups like those on Yahoo and MSN encourage interaction too. I have met many of my on-line friends in person. These are people I would have never met if it wasn't for the internet.
The booth looked wonderful, we were close by and could check it out regularly. Lots of lovely things and of course always a great design.
Look forward to what youhave to share!
Kathy- I think you are absolutely right about blogging encouraging human interaction. I know I am a much more outgoing person online than I am in real life, but I would be totally excited to meet my bloggers and bloggees in person now that the friendship is initiated. For example, if I were looking at Kathy Miller in person trying to say these things, it would probably come out "uuuhhhh. . ." :)
I totally agree with you! Blogging is truly another means of connection between folks...I truly believe that it has made those hundreds of miles away from me right at my fingertips.
And in crafting, I have found the most kindred spirits in other bloggers, and I am more inspired by their same zeal for *handmade*
Blogging has really made the crafting individual come out of the corners in their minds and homes!
Blogging has helped our Company alot.
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